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Docker containers

A redis server is needed to use the service asynchronously. For that matter, it can be used the command make start-test that has a built-in redis server.

Containers with make start

Containers with make start-test

How to use it

  1. Send PDF to extract

    curl -X POST -F 'file=@/PATH/TO/PDF/pdf_name.pdf' localhost:5051/async_extraction/[tenant_name]

  2. Add extraction task

To add an extraction task, a message should be sent to a queue.

Python code:

queue = RedisSMQ(host=[redis host], port=[redis port], qname='segmentation_tasks', quiet=True)
message_json = '{"tenant": "tenant_name", "task": "segmentation", "params": {"filename": "pdf_file_name.pdf"}}'
message = queue.sendMessage(message_json).exceptions(False).execute()
  1. Get paragraphs

When the segmentation task is done, a message is placed in the results queue:

queue = RedisSMQ(host=[redis host], port=[redis port], qname='segmentation_results', quiet=True)
results_message = queue.receiveMessage().exceptions(False).execute()

# The message.message contains the following information:
# {"tenant": "tenant_name", 
# "task": "pdf_name.pdf", 
# "success": true, 
# "error_message": "", 
# "data_url": "http://localhost:5051/get_paragraphs/[tenant_name]/[pdf_name]"
# "file_url": "http://localhost:5051/get_xml/[tenant_name]/[pdf_name]"
# }

curl -X GET http://localhost:5051/get_paragraphs/[tenant_name]/[pdf_name]
curl -X GET http://localhost:5051/get_xml/[tenant_name]/[pdf_name]

or in python


HTTP server

The container HTTP server is coded using Python 3.9 and uses the FastApi web framework.

If the service is running, the end point definitions can be founded in the following url:


The end points code can be founded inside the file

The errors are reported to the file docker_volume/service.log, if the configuration is not changed (see Get service logs)

Queue processor

The container Queue processor is coded using Python 3.9, and it is on charge of the communication with redis.

The code can be founded in the file and it uses the library RedisSMQ to interact with the redis queues.

Service configuration

Some parameters could be configured using environment variables. If a configuration is not provided, the defaults values are used.

Default parameters:


Set up environment for development

It works with Python 3.12 [install] (

make install_venv

Execute tests

make test