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Pytorch modules and utilities for modeling biological sequence data.

Here we will demonstrate the application of several tools we hope will help with modeling biological sequences.

Sequence Datasets and Dataloaders

In, you will find two Pytorch sampler classes: SortishSampler, a sampler to sort similarly length sample sequences into length-defined buckets; and ApproxBatchSampler, a batch sampler which grabs sequences from length-defined buckets until the batch has the set approximate max number of tokens or max number of tokens squared.

from sequence_models.samplers import SortishSampler, ApproxBatchSampler

# grab datasets
ds = dataset # your sequence dataset

# build dataloaders
len_ds = np.array([len(i[0]) for i in ds]) # list of lengths of the sequence in dataset (in order)
bucket_size = 1000 # number of length-defined buckets
max_tokens = 8000 # max number of tokens per batch
max_batch_size = 100 # max number of samples per batch
sortish_sampler = SortishSampler(len_ds, bucket_size)
batch_sampler = ApproxBatchSampler(sortish_sampler, max_tokens, max_batch_size, len_ds)
collater = collater # your collater function
dl = DataLoader(ds_train, collate_fn=collater, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, num_workers=16)

Pre-implemented Models

  • Struct2SeqDecoder (GNN)

The Struct2SeqDecoder model was adapted from Ingraham et al.. This model uses protein structural information encoded as a graph nodes and edges representing the structural information of each amino acid residue and their relations to each other, respectively.

If you already have node features, edge features, connections between nodes, encoded sequences (src), and edge mask (edge_mask); you can directly use the the Struct2SeqDecoder as demonstrated below:

from sequence_models.constants import trR_ALPHABET
from sequence_models.gnn import Struct2SeqDecoder

num_letters = len(trR_ALPHABET) # length of your amino acid alphabet  
node_features = 10 # number of node features
edge_features = 11 # number of edge features
hidden_dim =  128 # your choice of hidden layer dimension
num_decoder_layers = 3 # your choice of number of decoder layers to use
dropout = 0.1 # dropout used by decoder layer
use_mpnn = False # if True, use MPNN layer, else use Transformer layer for decoder 
direction = 'bidirectional' # direction of information flow/masking: forward, backward or bidirectional 

model = Struct2SeqDecoder(num_letters, node_features, edge_features, hidden_dim,
            num_decoder_layers, dropout, use_mpnn, direction)
out = model(nodes, edges, connections, src, edge_mask)

If you do not have prepared inputs, but have 2d maps representing the distance between residues (dist) and the dihedral angles between residues (omega, theta, and phi), you can use our preprocessing functions to generate nodes, edges, and connections as demonstrated below:

from sequence_models.gnn import get_node_features, get_k_neighbors, get_edge_features, \
    get_mask, replace_nan

# process features
node = get_node_features(omega, theta, phi) # generate nodes
dist = dist.fill_diagonal_(np.nan) # if the diagonal of dist tensor is not already filled with nans, it should 
                                    # to prevent selecting self when getting k nearest residues in the next step 
connections = get_k_neighbors(dist, n_connections) # get connections
edge = get_edge_features(dist, omega, theta, phi, connections) # generate edge
edge_mask = get_mask(edge) # get edge mask (in the scenario where there is missing edge features between neighbors)
edge = replace_nan(edge) # replace nans with 0s 
node = replace_nan(node) 

Alternatively, we have also prepared StructureCollater, a collater function found in that also performs this task:

from sequence_models.collaters import StructureCollater

n_connections = 20 # number of connections per amino acid residue  
collater = StructureCollater(n_connections=n_connections)
ds = dataset # Dataset must return sequences, dists, omegas, thetas, phis 
dl = Dataloader(ds, collate_fn=collater)
  • ByteNet

The ByteNet model was adapted from Kalchbrenner et al.. ByteNet uses stacked convolutional encoder and decoder layers to preserve temporal resolution of sequential data.

from sequence_models.convolutional import ByteNet
from sequence_models.constants import trR_ALPHABET

n_tokens = len(trR_ALPHABET) # number of tokens in token dictionary
d_embedding = 128 # dimension of embedding
d_model = 128 # dimension to use within ByteNet model, //2 every layer
n_layers = 3 # number of layers of ByteNet block
kernel_size = 3 # the kernel width
r = ??? # used to calculate dilation factor
padding_idx = trR_ALPHABET.index('-') # location of padding token in ordered alphabet
causal = True # if True, chooses MaskedCausalConv1d() over MaskedConv1d()
dropout = 0.1 

x = torch.randn(32, 128) # input (n samples, len of seqs) 
input_mask = torch.ones(32, 128, 1) # mask (n samples, len of seqs, 1)
model = ByteNet(n_tokens, d_embedding, d_model, n_layers, kernel_size, r, 
            padding_idx=padding_idx, causal=causal, dropout=dropout)
out = model(x, input_mask) 

We have also an implemented versions of ByteNet to be able to use 2d inputs (ByteNet2d) and as a language model (ByteNetLM):

from sequence_models.convolutional import ByteNet2d, ByteNetLM

x = torch.randn(32, 128, 128, 64) # input (n samples, len of seqs, len of seqs, feature dimension)
input_mask = torch.ones # (n samples, len of seqs, len of seqs, 1), optional
model = ByteNet2d(d_in, d_model, n_layers, kernel_size, r, dropout=0.0)
out = model(x, input_mask)

x = torch.randn(32, 128) # input (n samples, len of seqs) 
input_mask = torch.ones(32, 128, 1) # mask (n samples, len of seqs, 1)
model = ByteNetLM(n_tokens, d_embedding, d_model, n_layers, kernel_size, r,
                    padding_idx=None, causal=False, dropout=0.0)
out = model(x, input_mask)
  • trRosetta The trRosetta model was implemented according to Yang et al.. In this model, multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) are used to predict distances between amino acid residues as well as their dihedral angles (omega, theta, phi). Predictions are in the format of bins. Omega, theta and phi angle are binned into 24, 24, and 12 bins, respectively with 15 degrees segments and one no-contact bin. Yang et al. has pretrained five models (model ids: 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'). To run a single model:
from sequence_models.trRosetta_utils import trRosettaPreprocessing, parse_a3m
from sequence_models.trRosetta import trRosetta
from sequence_models.constants import trR_ALPHABET

msas = parse_a3m(path_to_msa) # load in msas in a3m format
alphabet = trR_ALPHABET # load your alphabet order
tr_preprocessing = trRosettaPreprocessing(alphabet) # setup preprocessor for msa
msas_processed = tr_preprocessing.process(msas)

n2d_layers = 61 # keep at 61 if you want to use pretrained version
model_id = 'a' # choose your pretrained model id
decoder = True # if True, return 2d structure maps, else returns hidden layer
p_dropout = 0.0
model = trRosetta(n2d_layers, model_id, decoder, p_dropout)
out = model(msas_processed) # returns dist_probs, theta_probs, phi_probs, omega_probs

To run an ensemble of models:

from sequence_models.trRosetta_utils import trRosettaPreprocessing, parse_a3m
from sequence_models.trRosetta import trRosetta, trRosettaEnsemble
from sequence_models.constants import trR_ALPHABET

msas = parse_a3m(path_to_msa) # load in msas in a3m format
alphabet = trR_ALPHABET # load your alphabet order
tr_preprocessing = trRosettaPreprocessing(alphabet) # setup preprocessor for msa
msas_processed = tr_preprocessing.process(msas)

n2d_layers = 61 # keep at 61 if you want to use pretrained version
model_ids = 'abcde' # choose your pretrained model id
decoder = True # if True, return 2d structure maps, else returns hidden layer
p_dropout = 0.0
base_model = trRosetta
model = trRosettaEnsemble(base_model, n2d_layers, model_ids)
out = model(msas_processed)

If you would like to convert bin prediction into actual values, use probs2value. Here is an example of converting distance bin predictions into values:

from sequence_models.trRosetta_utils import probs2value

dist_probs, theta_probs, phi_probs, omega_probs  = model(x) # structure predictions (batch, # of bins, len of seq, len of seq)
preperty = 'dist' # choose between 'dist', 'theta', 'phi', or 'omega'
mask = mask # your 2d mask (batch, len of seq, len of seq)
dist_values = probs2value(dist, property, mask):


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