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sali is a toolkit to easily build greetd frontends

The goal of this project is to create an easy-to-use and easy-to-understand way of builing greetd frontends using gtk4 components. It allows to create a login frontend in a fully declarative way without writing any code whilst it's main features are:

  • Creating a custom layout tree using predefined components
  • Selecting between one or more run configurations


You'll need the following dependencies installed on your system:

  • gtk4
  • gtk4-layer-shell

Depending on your distribution the names may differ, the above names are for the Arch and AUR packages


Everything is configured through a yaml configuration file which is per default located at ~/.config/sali/config.yaml. A custom path can be specified using the --config or -c argument. It supports the following fields:

Field Description Default value
monitors Map of monitor configurations which assigns a name for each monitor -
main_monitor Name of the monitor on which the layout tree should be rendered -
username Optional default username which is prefilled in the username field none
styles Array of paths from where to load stylesheets. It supports css as well as scss stylesheets []
classes Css class names which are used to indicate some states, the fields are defined here Default Classes
runners Map of run configurations which assigns a name for each runner -
default_runner Name of the runner which should be preselected in the runner dropdown none
layout The layout tree of the window on the main monitor Default Layout

The following is an example configuration:

    output: DP-1
    background: /path/to/left/background/image.jpg
    output: DP-2
    background: /path/to/center/background/image.jpg
    output: DP-3
    background: [255, 0, 255]

main_monitor: center

styles: [ "~/.config/sali/styles.scss" ]

    display_name: Hyprland
    run: [ "exec Hyprland &> /tmp/hyprland-session.log" ]

default_runner: hyprland

  type: box
  halign: fill
  valign: fill
    - type: box
        classes: [ "container" ]
        - type: datetime
    - type: box
        classes: [ "container" ]
        - type: username
        - type: password


A monitor is a representation of a display output. If a background is set a new background layer window is created for this monitor

Field Description Default value
output Name of the display output on this monitor (e.g. DP-1) -
background Background of the monitor, either path to a background image or rgb color in array form (e.g. [255, 0, 255]) -


A set of css classes which are applied to windows which can't be set through the layout tree or which are applied to components based on some conditions

Field Description Default value
background Css classes which are applied to the background windows ["background"]
window Css classes which are applied to the window holding the layout tree ["window"]
field_error Css class which is applied to the username/password fields when there was a login error error
field_empty Css class which is applied to the username/password fields when they are empty empty


A run configuration which is executed when a login attempt succeeds

Field Description Default value
display_name The name displayed in the runner dropdown when this runner is selected -
run The command to run when a login attempt with this runner succeeds -
env A list of environment variables to set for the commands []
exit_early Boolean whether the application should exit instantanious after login success
When set to false it waits to be killed by greetd


The layout is the main part of the configuration. It specifies a node tree in which your UI components should be ordered. Each component directly maps to a gtk4 component which should make styling pretty straight forward.

In the following section you'll see a detailed documentation of all components available. Should a gtk4 component you need be missing feel free to open an issue. Please keep in mind the goal of this project is not to become the next gtk wrapper for creating widgets like ags or eww but rather be a toolkit for easily creating greetd frontends using gtk


The box component is the main building block for any layout. It is the only component which can hold children and it can be used for alignment

A box component can be added to the layout tree using type: box and the attributes below. Internally it's used to create an Box widget

Attribute Description Default value
classes Css classes which are applied to the box ["box"]
halign Horizontal alignment, either: center, fill, start, end, baseline or start center
valign Vertical alignment, either: center, fill, start, end, baseline or start center
hexpand Boolean whether the box should expand horizontally true
vexpand Boolean whether the box should expand vertically true
width Requested width in pixels 500
spacing Spacing between the children of the box in pixels 12
orientation Orientation of the children, either: vertical or horizontal vertical
children Array of components which are nested inside the box []

Password field

The password field is a mandatory component which is used to enter the password for the user. It can be added to the layout tree using type: password and the attributes below. Internally it's used to create an Entry widget which has it's characters set to invisible


The password field is an unique component: If it's defined multiple times only the first password field in the layout tree is used and the other ones are ignored

Attribute Description Default value
classes Css classes which are applied to the password field ["input", "password"]
placeholder Placeholder text Password

Username field

The username field is an optional component which is used to enter the username for the user to log in. Should no username be specified in the config the component becomes mandatory since it's not known for which user the login attempt is otherwise. If an username is set in the config it's value is prefilled into the input field

The username field can be added to the layout tree using type: username and the attributes below. Internally it's used to create an Entry widget


The username field is an unique component: If it's defined multiple times only the first username field in the layout tree is used and the other ones are ignored

Attribute Description Default value
classes Css classes which are applied to the username field ["input", "username"]
placeholder Placeholder text Username

Runner dropdown

The runner dropdown is an optional component which can be used to select which runner should be used on a successful login attempt. Should no default_runner be specified in the config the component becomes mandatory since it's not known which runner to use otherwise. If a default_runner is set in the config it's value is preselected in the dropdown

The runner dropdown can be added to the layout tree using type: runner and the attributes below. Internally it's used to create a DropDown widget


The runner dropdown is an unique component: If it's defined multiple times only the first runner dropdown in the layout tree is used and the other ones are ignored

Attribute Description Default value
classes Css classes which are applied to the runner dropdown ["runner", "dropdown"]

DateTime label

The datetime label component can be used to display the current date or time. It can be added to the layout tree using type: datetime and the attributes below. Interally, it's used to create a Label widget

Attribute Description Default value
classes Css classes which are applied to the datetime label ["label", "datetime"]
format Date format in strftime syntax %H:%M
interval Intervall in which the label should be updated in milliseconds 1000


The label component can be used to display some static text. It can be added to the layout tree using type: label and the attributes below. Interally, it's used to create a Label widget

Attribute Description Default value
classes Css classes which are applied to the label ["label"]
label Text of the label -


About A customizable greetd frontend using gtk4








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