- Setup an Intel Pin Tool installation according to your system type
- In that installation, create a symlink from source/tools/CacheLineUtilization to source/tools/CacheLineUtilization in this repo
- cd source/tools/CacheLineUtilization
- make clutil.wrap
- ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/clutil.so -- [[Your Program]]
- Find results in clutil.out
As an example, you can look into SimpleExample.cpp which simulates sequential and random (here: strided) accesses, refered to in "A Case for Hardware-Supported Sub-Cache Line Accesses" as a first sanity check:
- g++ -O3 SimpleExample.cpp -o SimpleExample
- cd source/tools/CacheLineUtilization
- ../../../pin -t obj-intel64/clutil.so -- ./SimpleExample s
You can start SimpleExample with either "s" as a parameter (for sequential read) or "r" for random reads
In the following we describe the instrumentation we used to conduct the measurements, as shown in our work.
Follow the install instructions to install Hyrise.
Note: Please use cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
For our work and the following instructions, please use the commit tag: d02c405
Once you have build Hyrise and the hyriseBenchmarkTPCH executable you can start it for the TPC-H Queries (1,3,5,6,7,9,10) stated in our work in the following way (example shows Query 7):
./hyriseBenchmarkTPCH --mode PermutedQuerySets --queries 7 -r 1 -s 1
Once the data has been generated and tables are loaded, you will be prompted the following:
"Enter to start Process ID xxxxx"
At this point in time you have to attach the Cache Line Utilization Pin Tool using:
./pin -pid xxxxx -t ./source/tools/CacheLineUtilization/obj-intel64/clutil.so -c 16384 -o ~/clutil-hyrise-Q7
Once the Pin Tool is attached, please press any key for hyrise to start the processing the query.
If the query is executed and all cache behaviour simulated, hyrise will prompt the following:
"Enter to finalize"
Please stop (e.g., kill xxxxx) the hyrise process, to allow the Pin Tool to finalize data collection and output the results to ~/clutil-hyrise-Q7
Follow the install instructions to install Peloton.
For our work and the following instructions, please use the commit tag: 5878dc7
Please set Peloton to work in a single threaded mode by adjusting the file src/common/init.cpp
Once you have a run a version of peloton using
./bin/peloton -codegen=false -port=15795
you can connect to it via
psql "sslmode=disable" -U postgres -p 15795 -d tpch -h localhost
At this point you can execute the following the commands from the following files:
sql-commands/create-tpch-peloton.sql (creates the database and tables)
sql-commands/insert.sql (inserts the data generated for the TPC-H benchmark, we limit the size uploaded to this repository, please generate data with a scale factor of 1 according to the TPC-H benchmark, e.g. using tpch-dbgen)
Once this is done, attach the Cache Line Utilization Pin Tool using
sudo ./pin -pid ProcessIDPeloton -t ./source/tools/CacheLineUtilization/obj-intel64/clutil.so -c 16384 -o ~/clutil-peloton-Q1 To retrieve Peloton's process id you could use: ps aux | grep peloton
Once the Pin Tool is attached, execute one of the sql queries provided in
Note some of them have been slightly modified to fully work with the given setup
Follow the install instructions to install Quickstep.
Once installed please use the following to set the number of workers to 1
./quickstep_cli_shell --num_workers=1
Use the commands in sql-commands/create-tpch-quickstep.sql to create the tables, either in row or column format (both are included)
Afterwards load data using the commands in sql-commands/insert-quickstep.sql (example data is given in sql-commands/tpch-data/quickstep but limited in size, please generate data with a scale factor of 1 according to the TPC-H benchmark, e.g. using tpch-dbgen)
Once this is done, attach the Cache Line Utilization Pin Tool using
sudo ./pin -pid ProcessIDQuickstep -t ./source/tools/CacheLineUtilization/obj-intel64/clutil.so -c 16384 -o ~/clutil-quickstep-Q1 To retrieve Quicksteps's process id you could use: ps aux | grep quickstep
Once the Pin Tool is attached, execute one of the sql queries provided in