Create a program that imitates bash's pipes behaviour. For detailed information about the project refer to "subject.pdf".
./pipex <infile> <cmd1> <cmd2> <outfile> || ./pipex_bonus <infile> <cmd1>, <cmd2>, ..., <cmdn> <outfile> || ./pipex_bonus heredoc <limiter> <infile> <cmd1>, <cmd2>, ..., <cmdn> <outfile>
- Forks and child processes. What is a process. Zombie/Orphan processes.
- I/O redirection.
- Pipe architecture.
- Communication between parent and child process.
- Memory management.
- How a "heredoc" works. (BONUS)
In the final version I changed the way pipex works when a null 'envp' is passed. Instead of exiting with an error message, I returned the null 'envp' and let the program continue to run like bash would do. So that is a change needed to be made in this version for a fully functional pipex.