This webpackage contains components that wraps CKEditor.
The generated documentation for this webpackage and its artifacts is available here.
Name | Type | Description | Links |
cubx-ckeditor | Elementary component | Wrap the CKEditor, it should be configurated using the config slot, otherwise it would not work | Demo, Docs |
cubx-ckeditor-basic | Compound component | Compound to make use of the basic package of ckeditor | Demo, Docs |
cubx-ckeditor-standard | Compound component | Compound to make use of the standard package of ckeditor | Demo, Docs |
cubx-ckeditor-full | Compound component | Compound to make use of the full package of ckeditor | Demo, Docs |
cubx-ckeditor-util | Compound component | Utility to provide the CKEditor v 4.6.1 within the Cubbles platform |
The html file should contain the desire component using its tag, e.g. the <cubx-ckeditor>
, as follows:
<cubx-ckeditor cubx-webpackage-id="ckeditor@1.0.0"></cubx-ckeditor>
Note that the webpackageId
should be provided, which in this case is: ckeditor@1.0.0
Additionally, this component can be initialized using the <cubx-core-slot-init>
tag (available from cubx.core.rte version 1.9.0). For example, lets initilize the config
slot to get the basic package of ckeditor:
<cubx-ckeditor cubx-webpackage-id="ckeditor@1.0.0">
<cubx-core-slot-init slot="config">{"toolbar": [{ "name": "basicstyles", "items": [ "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "Subscript", "Superscript", "-", "CopyFormatting", "RemoveFormat" ] }]}</cubx-core-slot-init>
Or it can be initialized and later manipulated from Javascript as follows:
var ckeditor= document.querySelector('cubx-editor');
// Wait until CIF is ready
document.addEventListener('cifReady', function() {
// Manipulate slots
ckeditor.setConfig({"toolbar": [{ "name": "basicstyles", "items": [ "Bold", "Italic", "Underline", "Strike", "Subscript", "Superscript", "-", "CopyFormatting", "RemoveFormat" ] }]});
You may also like to check CKEditor official documentation.