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🌐 Plugin Creation

Fran2019 edited this page May 27, 2024 · 17 revisions

πŸ“¦ About Plugin Creation

The following documentation describes the essential components required for the creation and normal functioning of a plugin. This includes registering the plugin, starting it, and handling commands. Additionally, knowledge of JDA (Java Discord API) is essential for interacting with Discord.

πŸ“ƒ (i.fran2019.Test.Main)

The file defines the main class of the plugin, which extends from a base Plugin class. This class is responsible for initializing the plugin and managing its lifecycle, such as enabling and disabling the plugin.

package i.fran2019.Test;

import i.fran2019.BotMaster.API.implementations.Plugin;
import i.fran2019.BotMaster.BotMaster;
import i.fran2019.Test.Commands.TestCMD;
import lombok.Getter;

public class Test extends Plugin {
    // Reference to the current instance of the plugin
    private final Test test = this;

    // Constructor to initialize the plugin with its name and description
    public Test(BotMaster botMaster, String name, String description) {
        super(botMaster, name, description);

    // Called when the plugin is enabled
    public void onEnable() {
        // Registering the command with the command manager
        getBotMaster().getCommandManager().registerCommand(new TestCMD("test2" /* Command Name */));
        // Logging that the plugin has been loaded
        getLogger().info("Plugin Loaded");

    // Called when the plugin is disabled
    public void onDisable() {
        // Logging that the plugin has been disabled
        getLogger().info("Plugin Disabled");
πŸ“ƒ bot.yml (Resources Folder)

The bot.yml file is a configuration file in YAML format that contains basic information about the plugin. This file is used by the system to load and identify the plugin.

main: i.fran2019.Test.Test
name: TestPlugin
description: TestDescription
version: 1.0.1

πŸ”” Commands Creation

For creating new commands, use this straightforward template that extends Command and includes all key methods for adding options and handling events with ease.

πŸ“ƒ (i.fran2019.Test.Commands.TestCMD)

The file defines a specific command for the plugin. Commands are functionalities that users can execute.

package i.fran2019.Test.Commands;

import i.fran2019.BotMaster.API.annotations.CommandOption;
import i.fran2019.BotMaster.API.implementations.Command;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.commands.OptionType;

public class TestCMD extends Command {
    // Constructor to initialize the command with its name
    public TestCMD(String name) {

    // Creating a new command option with predefined choices
            name = "Option1",
            description = "useless",
            required = true,
            type = OptionType.STRING,
            choices = {"Test|test", "Test2|test2", "Test4"}
    String option1;

    // Logic to be executed when the command is run
    public void onExecute(SlashCommandInteractionEvent e) {
        // Sending a response message to the user
        e.reply("Hello from the Test command! Output: " + option1).queue();

πŸ’Ύ Example Template

For a full example template, refer to the BotMaster-TestPlugin repository.

By following this documentation, you can ensure that your plugin is correctly registered, starts properly, and handles commands efficiently.

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