LookU Security is an artificial intelligence project for IOT with main aim of providing extra layer of security by monitoring objects. LookU Security can be trained to recognise objects like gun, matchet, fire, smoke etc. and send automated alert.
LookU Security can be deployed
- At filling station to monitor smoke, cigarret, fire etc.
- In public places to monitor people with dangerous weapons.
- At CarPark to monitor incoming and outgoing vehicles.
- At schools to monitor people going and coming in.
This artificial intelligence project for IOT is purely written in python and can be used on Adruino devices. For example, see the code below:
Go to settings.py and edit the basic information or check the examples folder
#import the security and settings module
import LookU.security, LookU.settings
#initialize LookU security with the model and source
security = code.LookU(settings.model,settings.video_source)
while True:
#grabs a frame
#detects objects in frame
#draw a rectangle around the object detected
#if object is detected do something
if security.object_detected():
# once an object or multiple objects has been detected this block is executed
# you can call your call back function here for Arduino or any devices
# do anything you want here e.g sound alarm
Try using HaarTraining to generate your xml model
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You can submit your models or send enquires to officialbilas(at)gmail(dot)com