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This is a repo contains directories of projects on devops carried out during Software Engineering studies at ALX SE and Holberton School

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This is a repo contains directories of projects on devops carried out during Software Engineering studies at ALX SE and Holberton School.

In the projects in this repo, I'm learning system engineering as a skill in SWE and using the knowledge acquired to solve tasks that are in this repo.


All of the following directories are projects done during the studies:

Project name Description
0x00-shell_basics Introduction to shell. Learning what is shell, shell navigation, looking around, manipulating files, working with commands, reading man pages and keyboard shortcuts for bash.
0x01-shell_permissions Learning commands chmod, sudo, su, chown, chgrp , linux file permissions, represent sets of permissions (owner, group, and other) as a single digit, changing permissions, owner and group of a file, running a command with root privileges and changing user ID or becoming superuser
0x02-shell_redirections Learning Shell input/output(I/O) redirections, special characters and man pages.
0x03-shell_variables_expansions Learning Shell Initialization Files, variables, expansion, shell arithmetics, the alias command and other help pages.
0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing Understanding SSH RSA key pair, Bash scripting using different looping methods, conditions, parsing, comparison and file test operators.
0x05-processes_and_signals Learning PID, Linux processes(Environment extern, environ, getenv, setenv), Environment list, Linux signals, commands for Process Management and Process States in Linux.
0x06-regular_expressions Understanding basics of Regular Expressions i.e regex including repetition, anchor, character, short character and lookaround and lookahead tokens as well as repetition quantifiers and group/back references.
0x07-networking_basics Introduction into networking basics including OSI model, Local and Wide Area networks (LAN, WAN), Internet, MAC, public and private addresses as well as localhost.
0x08-networking_basics_2 Learning Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Diagram Protocol (UDP), ping, ICMP, Positional Parameters,, Linux Hosts file and Linux Netcat (nc) commands.
0x09-web_infrastructure_design Files containing links to images with different web infrastructure designs.
0x0A-configuration_management An introduction and understanding of Configuration Management using puppet and importance of CM in servers.
0x0B-ssh Understanding SSH essentials, working with SSH servers, clients and keys.
0x0C-web_server Understanding a web server, how the web works, Nginx web server, HTTP Methods, Redirects, Domains, Subdomains and paths.
0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0 Understanding debugging concept on the web.
0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1 Understanding debugging concept on the web. Using debugging skills to ensure Ubuntu container’s Nginx installation is listening to port 80. Files contain bash script to automate the fix and making the fix shorter.
0x0F-load_balancer An introduction into Load Balancing and HA-Proxy. Improving web stack to ensure redundancy by introducing load balancer to accept more traffic to two web servers(make infrastructure more reliable) and adding custom HTTP header with Puppet.
0x10-https_ssl An introduction into HTTPS, elements of SSL & HAProxy SSL termination. Configured subdomains to domain, created certificate using certbot, configured HAproxy to accept encrypted traffic for subdomain and enforced HTTPS traffic to disable unencrypted traffic.
0x11-how_the_browser_works Intro into technical writing and open source contribution. Directory containing link to a blog post to explain what happens on typing a link i.e on the browser and pressing enter.
0x12-web_stack_debugging_2 Understanding root priviledges as a superuser and fixing container so that Nginx is running as nginx user (through bash scripting).
0x13-firewall An introduction and understanding of Firewalls including Network and Host-based firewalls. Installed Firewalls in my servers to monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic.
0x14-mysql Understanding redundancy plans including RAID, Block-level, SQL Replication and Distribution redundancies. Installed and set-up Master-Slave Replication method on web-01 and web02 servers.
0x15-api An introduction into APIs, RESTful APIs and the concept of Microservices versus Monolithic Applications.
0x16-api_advanced Understanding how to read API documentation to find endpoints, using API with pagination, parsing JSON results from API, making recursive API call and sorting dictionary by value. Files contains functions queried from Reddit API to perform different tasks .
0x17-web_stack_debugging_3 Directory containing automated Puppet file to use strace command to fix 500 error in Apache .
0x18-webstack_monitoring Understanding Webstack Monitoring including Application and Server monitoring using Datadog including application performance management, monitoring distributed systems (whitebox, blackbox monitoring & dashboard) and Nginx logging and monitoring.
0x19-postmortem Understanding how to write an incident report/Postmortem on occurence of a fault as a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE).
0x1A-application_server Understanding differences between web and application servers, setting up production with Gunicorn, serving pages with Nginx, adding route with query parameters including API, serving and deploying websites.
0x1B-web_stack_debugging_4 Benchmarking Nginx under pressure and solving failed requests using ApacheBench to have 0 failed requests & changing OS configuration enabling login of a user.
attack_is_the_best_defense Understanding how unsecured traffic can be intercepted by a middle-man. Learning attack methods such as ARP spoofing and sniffing and dictionary attack.
command_line_for_the_win A cool game challenge on bask skills. Everything is done via the command line and the questions are becoming increasingly complicated. It’s a good training to improve your command line skills


This is a repo contains directories of projects on devops carried out during Software Engineering studies at ALX SE and Holberton School






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