- 👋 Hi, I’m @icarus-00 you can call me icarus.
- 👀 I’m a person of many hobbies, cooking, sketching, sewing, wood crafts, and the list goes on.
as the name implies, I flew too close to the sun, many times, with questions that takes me off track
that i start learning in fields not meant for me, like physics, chemistry, philosophy and biology topics.
but aside from all that I’m currently learning computer science, also in many fields.
in college i learn information security and digital forensics, and personally i learn about game development and apps and web design and programming.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on web projects, ui/ux projects and anything related to desktop development (games, systems, etc) not on mobile thought.
i am hard to reach by now as i have many accounts that i can't keep track of, but once that done i'll update this page with something.
for now you can email me at justademo@skiff.com
- hace a nice day <3