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Development environment based on Fedora in Docker container.


  • Docker 1.9+
  • An X11 socker (if GUI is used)


Making data persist between sessions

The data is usually persisted in the home directory of an user, so if you want to persist the data for a later session you have to share it with your host. The home directory /home/default inside the container is mapped to the directory .home that is stored in the working directory.

For example for the working directory ~/work that caches the container home directory in ~/work/.home:

mkdir -p ~/work
cd ~/work
mkdir -p .home

the docker run command will look like:

docker run -it --rm --net=host \
    -e USER=$(id -u -n) -e GROUP=$(id -g -n) -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v $PWD:/workspace \
    -v $PWD/.home:/home/default \
    -v ~/.ssh:/home/default/.ssh \
    -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} -v ~/.Xauthority:/home/default/.Xauthority \
    -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm \
    iconoeugen/fedora-dev /bin/bash


The development environment includes the bash-it framework. To configure the appearance you can provide the following environment to the docker container:

  • BASH_IT_ENABLE: Set this to false to disable or to true to enable the bash-it framework (Defaults: true)
  • BASH_IT: Path to the bash it configuration (Defauts: /opt/bash-it)
  • BASH_IT_THEME: Lock and Load a custom theme file (Defaults: standard)
  • SCM_CHECK: Set this to false to turn off or true the version control status checking within the prompt for all themes (Defaults: true)
  • DEBUG: Start entrypoint script using set -x flag

Support tools

For an easier use of docker images for developemnt environment, you can just add the dev script to your execution path (environment PATH) and start using it.

$ dev -h
Development environment in docker containers
  dev <action> [-h] [-u <user>] [-d <working_directory>] [-e <key=value>]  <image> [<commands>]

  <action> : Action to be executed:
    run     : run a new container instance.
    exec    : execute <commands> in running instance.
    ps      : process status for running instances.
  <image>   : Docker image name or id.

  -d <working_dir> : Working directory that will be mounted in the development container under '/workspace'.
  -e <key>[=<value>] : environments parameters which should be passed to the docker instance.
  -u <user> : Username.
  -p <publish_port>  : Publish a container’s port(s) to the host passed on to docker command.
  -P                 : Automatically map any network port passed on to docker command.
  -h        : This help message.

  DEV_DOCKER_OPTS: Options that are passed directly to the docker 'run' command. i.e. DEV_DOCKER_OPT='-e BASH_IT_THEME=modern -v /tmp:/tmp'\n"

Usage example

Start a container and mount the current working directory:

$ id
uid=2376(dev) gid=2376(dev) groups=2376(dev),10(wheel),977(dockerroot),2377(docker)

$ dev run iconoeugen/fedora-dev
Activating nss_wrapper for dev:dev

bash-4.3$ id
uid=2376(dev) gid=2376(dev) groups=2376(dev)

bash-4.3$ pwd

bash-4.3$ ls -l
total 20
-rw-r--r--. 1 dev dev  556 Aug  4 14:12 Dockerfile
-rw-rw-r--. 1 dev dev  187 Aug  4 07:22 Makefile
-rw-r--r--. 1 dev dev 1624 Aug  4 18:37
-rwxr--r--. 1 dev dev  591 Aug  4 14:11
-rw-r--r--. 1 dev dev  185 Aug  4 14:03
drwxrwxr-x. 2 dev dev   16 Aug  4 18:33 support

Execute command in running container:

$ pwd

$ dev exec iconoeugen/fedora-dev
No container found for image 'iconoeugen/fedora-dev' running in working directory '/home/dev'.

$ dev -d /home/dev/github/iconoeugen/docker-fedora-dev exec iconoeugen/fedora-dev
bash-4.3$ exit

$ cd /home/dev/github/iconoeugen/docker-fedora-dev

$ dev exec iconoeugen/fedora-dev

List containers:

$ pwd

$ dev ps iconoeugen/fedora-dev
No container found for image 'iconoeugen/fedora-dev' running in working directory '/home/vlad'.

$ dev -d /home/dev/github/iconoeugen/docker-fedora-dev ps iconoeugen/fedora-dev
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
969c9d041e31        iconoeugen/fedora-dev   "/ /bin/"   7 minutes ago       Up 7 minutes                            evil_bohr

$ cd /home/dev/github/iconoeugen/docker-fedora-dev

$ dev ps iconoeugen/fedora-dev
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                   COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
969c9d041e31        iconoeugen/fedora-dev   "/ /bin/"   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes                            evil_bohr

Environment configuration:

$ dev run iconoeugen/fedora-dev
Activating nss_wrapper for dev:dev
[dev@localhost workspace]$ exit

$ dev run iconoeugen/fedora-dev
Activating nss_wrapper for dev:dev
┌─[±][master ?:2 ✗][workspace][]
└─▪ exit