For command line use, the package is installed with
python3 -m pip install RefactoringIdioms
We develop a PyCharm plugin called RIdiom, you can install and try the plugin with
1). Default command is to get <non-idiomatic code, idiomatic code> pairs for all Python files in the current directory for all Python idioms, and the result is saved in result.json in the current directory:
2). To get <non-idiomatic code, idiomatic code> pairs for a Python idiom for a given file/given directory and save the result in the given path, you can execute the following command:
RIdiom --filepath "your filepath" (e.g., --idiom "IdiomName" (e.g., List Comprehension) --outputpath "your outputpath" (e.g., result.json)
We develop a web application for the code refactoring, you could access the application through the url:
Each time, you could click code area to refresh.
1). ./evaluation_data/code_review_total_code_900:
Code review evaluation result
2). ./evaluation_data/testing:
Testing evaluation result
3). ./evaluation_data/pull request 90.csv:
Pull requests result
1). ./code/crawl_repos_python:
crawling top 10000 Python repositories by the number of stars from GitHub and extracting Python 3 repositories
2). ./code/extract_idiom_code:
extracting idiomatic code
3). ./code/extract_complicate_code:
extracting non-idiomatic code
4). ./code/transform_c_s:
refactoring non-idiomatic code into idiomatic code
5). ./code/test_case:
configuring projects and executing test cases
6). ./code/motivation:
comparing the performance of non-idiomatic code and the corresponding idiomatic code
7). ./data: Storing the result of running the code. Particularly, we save all code pairs of non-idiomatic and corresponding idiomatic Python code for nine pythonic idioms in, which could be download in link.