Ziggi 3.0 is a nodejs application. Install the prerequisites below and a simple:
git clone https://github.com/igalshapira/ziggi3.git
cd ziggi3
npm install
npm start
should do the work.
A good place to start would be http://localhost:5000/apidoc
- Install nodejs
- Choose database. You can use one of the two:
- Download and install mongodb\
- Set environment variable: set MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://localhost/ziggi
- Use Azure CosmosDB
- Set API to MongoDB
- Set environment variable: set MONGO_CONNECTION_STRING=mongodb://{yourdb}:{yourkey}@{yourdb}.documents.azure.com:10255/?ssl=true
- Download and install mongodb\
Ziggi 1 was started at 2006, based on LAMP architecture. The code was originally published in google code. The source code is no longer available.
Ziggi 2 project was based on Ruby On Rails, using postgres database. The source code was never published. The site went on air in 2013 and it is the current running ziggi version (http://www.ziggi.co)
Ziggi 3 is a new project, based on MEAN stack. With no actual plans of when and where and if to deploy it.
Create a new migration
node_modules\.bin\migrate create <migration-name>
Run migrations
npm install
Api documentation can be generated using Apidoc.
grunt apidoc
Hebrew holidays are based on HebCal Jewish calendar REST API.
Each year holidays are loaded and stored in the data base using grunt hebcal <--year=year>
See full license in LICENSE file.