This is an API Binding in .Net C# for the new Amazon Selling Partner API.
This library is based on the output of swagger-codegen with the OpenAPI files provided by Amazon (Models) and has been modified by the contributors.
The purpose of this package is to have an easy way of getting started with the Amazon Selling Partner API using C#, you can watch this 📷 Youtube 📣 video for easy start your project
- AWSSDK.SecurityToken
- Microsoft.CSharp
- Newtonsoft.Json
- RestSharp
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations
- System.Reflection
Install-Package CSharpAmazonSpAPI
- OrdersV0
- Reports
- FinancesV0
- Feeds for feedType for step to call feed read doc
- ListingsItems
- Uploads
- shipmentInvoicingV0
- Shippings
- CatalogItemsV0 (deprecated soon)
- CatalogItemsV20201201
- FBAInventory
- FBASmallAndLight
- FBAInboundEligibility
- FulFillmentInbound
- FulFillmentOutbound
- MerchantFulFillment
- Messaging
- Notifications for configuration read doc
- ProductFeesV0
- ProductPricingV0
- Sales
- Sellers
- Services
- Solicitations
- Token for doc PII
- VendorOrders
- VendorDirectFulfillmentInventoryV1
- VendorDirectFulfillmentOrdersV1
- VendorDirectFulfillmentPaymentsV1
- VendorDirectFulfillmentShippingV1
- VendorDirectFulfillmentTransactionsV1
- vendorInvoices
- VendorShipments
- VendorTransactionStatus
To get all keys needed you need to follow this step Creating and configuring IAM policies and entities and then you need to Registering your Application then Authorizing Selling Partner API applications
⚠️ Use role ARN created in step 5 when you register your application: and dont use IAM user
Name | Description |
RoleArn | AWS IAM Role ARN (needs permission to “Assume Role” STS) |
Region | Marketplace region List of Marketplaces |
ClientId | Your amazon app id |
ClientSecret | Your amazon app secret |
RefreshToken | Check how to get RefreshToken |
For more information about keys please check New Amazon doc for create keys Developer , If you are not registered as developer please Register to be able to create application.
AmazonConnection amazonConnection = new AmazonConnection(new AmazonCredential()
RoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:role/XXXXXXXXXXXX",
ClientId = "amzn1.application-XXX-client.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
MarketPlace = MarketPlace.UnitedArabEmirates, //MarketPlace.GetMarketPlaceByID("A2VIGQ35RCS4UG")
Order List, For more orders sample please check Here.
ParameterOrderList serachOrderList = new ParameterOrderList();
serachOrderList.CreatedAfter = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-600000);
serachOrderList.OrderStatuses = new List<OrderStatuses>();
var orders = amazonConnection.Orders.GetOrders(serachOrderList);
ParameterOrderList serachOrderList = new ParameterOrderList();
serachOrderList.CreatedAfter = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-24);
serachOrderList.OrderStatuses = new List<OrderStatuses>();
serachOrderList.MarketplaceIds = new List<string> { MarketPlace.UnitedArabEmirates.ID };
var orders = amazonConnection.Orders.GetOrders(serachOrderList);
AmazonConnection amazonConnection = new AmazonConnection(new AmazonCredential()
RoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:role/XXXXXXXXXXXX",
ClientId = "amzn1.application-XXX-client.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
var orders = amazonConnection.Orders.GetOrders
new FikaAmazonAPI.Parameter.Order.ParameterOrderList
TestCase = Constants.TestCase200
Report List, For more report sample please check Here.
var parameters = new ParameterReportList();
parameters.pageSize = 100;
parameters.reportTypes = new List<ReportTypes>();
parameters.marketplaceIds = new List<string>();
var reports=amazonConnection.Reports.GetReports(parameters);
var parameters = new ParameterCreateReportSpecification();
parameters.dataStartTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-30);
parameters.dataEndTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-10);
parameters.marketplaceIds = new MarketplaceIds();
parameters.reportOptions = new AmazonSpApiSDK.Models.Reports.ReportOptions();
var report= amazonConnection.Reports.CreateReport(parameters);
Easy way to get the report you need and convert the file return from amazon to class or list, this feature only ready for some reports as its will take much times to finish for All report type ....
ReportManager reportManager = new ReportManager(amazonConnection);
var products = reportManager.GetProducts(); //GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_ALL_DATA
var inventoryAging = reportManager.GetInventoryAging(); //GET_FBA_INVENTORY_AGED_DATA
var ordersByDate = reportManager.GetOrdersByOrderDate(90); //GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_GENERAL
var ordersByLastUpdate = reportManager.GetOrdersByLastUpdate(90); //GET_FLAT_FILE_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_LAST_UPDATE_GENERAL
var settlementOrder = reportManager.GetSettlementOrder(90); //GET_V2_SETTLEMENT_REPORT_DATA_FLAT_FILE_V2
var returnMFNOrder = reportManager.GetReturnMFNOrder(90); //GET_FLAT_FILE_RETURNS_DATA_BY_RETURN_DATE
var returnFBAOrder = reportManager.GetReturnFBAOrder(90); //GET_FBA_FULFILLMENT_CUSTOMER_RETURNS_DATA
var reimbursementsOrder = reportManager.GetReimbursementsOrder(180); //GET_FBA_REIMBURSEMENTS_DATA
var feedbacks = reportManager.GetFeedbackFromDays(180); //GET_SELLER_FEEDBACK_DATA
var parameters = new ParameterCreateReportSpecification();
parameters.reportType = ReportTypes.GET_MERCHANT_LISTINGS_ALL_DATA;
parameters.marketplaceIds = new MarketplaceIds();
parameters.reportOptions = new FikaAmazonAPI.AmazonSpApiSDK.Models.Reports.ReportOptions();
var reportId = amazonConnection.Reports.CreateReport(parameters);
var filePath = string.Empty;
string ReportDocumentId = string.Empty;
while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ReportDocumentId))
Thread.Sleep(1000 * 60);
var reportData = amazonConnection.Reports.GetReport(reportId);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reportData.ReportDocumentId))
filePath = amazonConnection.Reports.GetReportFile(reportData.ReportDocumentId);
//filePath for report
Product Pricing, For more Pricing sample please check Here.
var data = amazonConnection.ProductPricing.GetPricing(
new Parameter.ProductPricing.ParameterGetPricing()
MarketplaceId = MarketPlace.UnitedArabEmirates.ID,
Asins = new string[] { "B00CZC5F0G" }
var data = amazonConnection.ProductPricing.GetCompetitivePricing(
new Parameter.ProductPricing.ParameterGetCompetitivePricing()
MarketplaceId = MarketPlace.UnitedArabEmirates.ID,
Asins = new string[] { "B00CZC5F0G" },
Notifications Create Destination, For more Notifications sample please check Here.
var data = amazonConnection.Notification.CreateDestination(
new Notifications.CreateDestinationRequest()
Name = "CompanyName",
ResourceSpecification = new Notifications.DestinationResourceSpecification()
EventBridge = new Notifications.EventBridgeResourceSpecification("us-east-2", "999999999")
var dataSqs = amazonConnection.Notification.CreateDestination(
new Notifications.CreateDestinationRequest()
Name = "CompanyName_AE",
ResourceSpecification = new Notifications.DestinationResourceSpecification
Sqs = new Notifications.SqsResource("arn:aws:sqs:us-east-2:9999999999999:NAME")
var SQS_URL = "";
ParameterMessageReceiver param = new ParameterMessageReceiver(
SQS_URL, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast2);
CustomMessageReceiver messageReceiver = new CustomMessageReceiver();
amazonConnection.Notification.StartReceivingNotificationMessages(param, messageReceiver);
public class CustomMessageReceiver : IMessageReceiver
public void ErrorCatch(Exception ex)
//Your code here
public void NewMessageRevicedTriger(NotificationMessageResponce message)
//Your Code here
Here full sample for submit feed to change price and generate XML and get final report for result same as in doc. Notes: not all feed type finished as it's big work and effort but all classes are partial for easy change and you can generate XML outside and use our library to get data, now we support only submit existing product, change quantity and change price , I list most of XSD here Source\FikaAmazonAPI\ConstructFeed\xsd its will help you easy generate class and add it in your app to generate final feed xml.
ConstructFeedService createDocument = new ConstructFeedService("{SellerID}", "1.02");
var list = new List<PriceMessage>();
list.Add(new PriceMessage()
SKU = "8201031206122...",
StandardPrice = new StandardPrice()
currency = BaseCurrencyCode.AED.ToString(),
Value = (201.0522M).ToString("0.00")
var xml = createDocument.GetXML();
var feedID = amazonConnection.Feed.SubmitFeed(xml, FeedType.POST_PRODUCT_PRICING_DATA);
var feedOutput=amazonConnection.Feed.GetFeed(feedID);
var outPut=amazonConnection.Feed.GetFeedDocument(feedOutput.ResultFeedDocumentId);
var reportOutpit = outPut.Url;
var processingReport = amazonConnection.Feed.GetFeedDocumentProcessingReport(outPut.Url);
ConstructFeedService createDocument = new ConstructFeedService("{SellerID}", "1.02");
var list = new List<InventoryMessage>();
list.Add(new InventoryMessage()
SKU = "82010312061.22...",
Quantity = 2,
FulfillmentLatency = "11",
var xml = createDocument.GetXML();
var feedID = amazonConnection.Feed.SubmitFeed(xml, FeedType.POST_INVENTORY_AVAILABILITY_DATA);
var feedOutput=amazonConnection.Feed.GetFeed(feedID);
var outPut=amazonConnection.Feed.GetFeedDocument(feedOutput.ResultFeedDocumentId);
var reportOutpit = outPut.Url;
var processingReport = amazonConnection.Feed.GetFeedDocumentProcessingReport(outPut.Url);
Please read this doc to get all information about this limitation
we calc waiting time by read x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit header
int sleepTime = (int)((1 / header["x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit"] ) * 1000);
You can also disable libary from handelling limitaion by set IsActiveLimitRate=false in AmazonCredential
var amazonConnection = new AmazonConnection(new AmazonCredential()
If you have questions, please ask in GitHub discussions
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git clone{YOUR_USERNAME}/Amazon-SP-API-CSharp
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git checkout -b your_branch_name
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git commit -m 'Description of a commit'
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git push origin your_branch_name
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If you are looking for a complete Feedback solution, you might want to consider giving a shot.
We offer consultation on everything SP-API related. Book your meeting here:
Thanks go out to everybody who worked on this package.