this is just a simple javascript library to add/remove classes when the elements gets in or out of the screen by scrolling
You need jquery ( in order to use this libarary.
Download the class-on-scroll-jquery.js
file and import it in your html file by:
- import it inside the html document:
<script src="path/to/jquery.js"></script> <!-- Load the jQuery before it -->
<script src="path/to/class-on-scroll-jquery.js"></script>
You just need to assign a HTML element the data attributes, the names are self explanatory:
- There are a few settings that you can assign to elements as css variables:
add classes to element when its gets in viewportdata-cos_remove_on_scroll
remove classes from element when its in viewportdata-cos_add_on_scroll_out
add classes to element when its gets out of viewportdata-cos_remove_on_scroll_out
remove classes from element when its gets out of viewport
in this example we will add the animate__animated animate__flipInX
classes to the element when user scrolls and the element gets visible
the classes are from the libarary, by this the element will have a transition animation and gets visible to the user
<h1 data-cos_add_on_scroll="animate__animated animate__flipInX">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur</h1>