This repo contains the source code for deploying full elasticstack + running application workload on a kubernetes cluster. You can do it step by step using provided helm charts, or deploy them all running the pulumi script. Yes, there is one line command too:
docker run -v ${HOME}/.kube:/usr/multicloud/kube iiglesias/multicloud-sandbox:0.1.0
If you have a kubernetes cluster try it out
Pulumi is a modern IaC based on Hashicorp´s Terraform.
Its mainly used for cloud provisioning but in this case we will be using just the kubernetes provider for deploying our stack on a given kube/config
You can access helm templates
To run the scrip you will need following tools:
By default pulumi run the stack against your local .kube/config. Your config should be pointing the kubernetes cluster
You should login on pulumi and create your account. Then run:
npm install ## for downloading pulumi´s libraries
pulumi login
pulumi up
An stack name may be required, type a name if prompted
It will preview the stack to be deployed and prompt for confirmation
You can delete the stack by running
pulumi destroy
I made a docker image so you dont need to install so much tools.
Only needed is a kube/config pointing to the desired kubernetes cluster
Simply run:
docker run -v ${HOME}/.kube:/usr/multicloud/kube iiglesias/multicloud-sandbox:0.1.0
- Note that pulumi destroy is not implemented
The dockerfile is included in this repo. For pulumi´s stack status management I recommend creating your own dockerfile with your pulumi token
- elasticsearch database cluster
- elastic APM collector
- kibana
- logstash
- MetricBeats
- k8s
- Infra
- Mongo
- elastic cluster health
This workload is composed by 3 services
SpringBoot services:
- logs: logback - logstash appender
- Tracing: Opentracing + elastic APM java agent
- Metrics: Micrometer
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST http://{ADAPTER_IP}}:8090/MONADTST/testhttp -d @body.json
Where the body
"msg": "adapter",
"statusCode": 200,
"delayMillis": 1,
"encapsulateError" : false
"msg": "composite",
"statusCode": 200,
"delayMillis": 200,
"encapsulateError" : false
"core": {
"msg": "core",
"statusCode": 200,
"delayMillis": 3,
"encapsulateError" : false
delayMillis: For elastic APM inferred span
Core service will perform insert and querys on a mongodb
Just a minimal configuration for exposing the workload throught TLS by creating ingress manifest.
It is intended to serve ACME certificates once an fqdn is assigned to the Nginx. By default clusterIssuers will be created but only selfsigned certificates are issued.
sudo vi /etc/hosts
# Add load balancer´s ip for the ingress host spec
curl -kv
kind: Ingress
name: adapter-helm
annotations: nginx selfsigning-issuer ## For a different clusterIssuer
- hosts:
secretName: tls-secret
#- host:
- http:
- backend:
serviceName: adapter-helm
servicePort: 8090
Once the cluster is created a Kubernetes Job will perform load request to our demo workload.
This load Generator is based on Vegeta and will be generating load (distributed traces) for the first 15 mins.
Base image was provided by
Not everything is automated, some instructions must be followed to make the full platform running
kubectl get secret quickstart-es-elastic-user -o yaml
## Decode the base64 value of elastic user
echo "OE1xNTJwVmkycEJvUlk0MXh5MjdlZDk0" | base64 -d
kubectl port-forward svc/quickstart-kb-http 5601:5601
Type https://localhost:5601 on your browser
- User: elastic
- password: ${DECODED_BASE64}
- logstash-*
- Application workload logs
- metrics-*
- Our application workload is using this index for Micrometer
[^]: MetricBeat and apm index are automatically created
Turn on monitoring as metricBeat is already configured
In order to use kibana logs, we must set logs index to our newly created kibana index logstash-*
Change source configuration
Replace filebeat by logstash index
Now you can correlate traces and logs
Add Nginx module to MetricBeat
- MetricBeat configuration is stored in a configmap
Try kibana lens new dashboard engine
Update elasticsearch node count and storage size
update elasticsearch
kubectl edit elasticsearch
View changes on Kibana´s Stack Monitoring