You can either run the project with the already deployed contracts or deploy new ones by running: bin/
- NodeJS >= 19.0
- Docker environment and CLI - installed locally for running the PSQL docker image
- CLI tools: npm & npx
- Foundry
The project has been tested by using Sepolia as a source network and Goerli as the target network. You can change those networks by providing different values in the config files.
- Run npm install to download npm dependencies
- Run npx hardhat compile to compile Solidity artifacts and typings
- Provide values in secrets.json
- Provide values in scripts/validator-service/config/config.json
- Run bin/ script in order to spin up the PSQL container, the express server and indexer all at once.
- If you want to run them separately, so you can see the console logs: npx ts-node {main-file-name.ts} the validator and event-listener directories.
- In case you want to deploy the contracts once again: run the bin/ script
- If you want to create new tokens on both network and mint an initial amount to a user address, use the scripts/custom-tasks/createERCTokens.ts
- IMPORTANT: For simpler binding of the Generic and Wrapped token pairs in BE, the naming of the tokenSymbols must be as the following examples: GTT -> WTT or GFT -> WFT. Run npx ts-node createERCTokens.ts to deploy a new generic and wrapped tokens on both networks.
The CLI supports 6 operations:
- npm run-script interact login
- npm run-script interact release {SIWE_NONCE} {GENERIC_TOKEN_SYMBOL} {TOKEN_ADDRESS} {AMOUNT_IN_WEI}
- npm run-script interact logout {SIWE_NONCE}
The API supports the following endpoints. The transaction validation endpoints are not listed.
- POST: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/api/fetch-bridged-by-user
Example JSON request body: { "user": "0x1F4e2783a1d87C1aCCA77E081396B9305A96A4C0" } - GET: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/api/fetch-burnt-awaiting
- GET: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/api/fetch-locked-awaiting
- GET: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/api/fetch-all-bridged
CLI authentication endpoints:
- GET: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/nonce
- POST: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/isAuthenticated
- GET: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/getData
- POST: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/verify
- POST: http://localhost:{VALIDATOR_PORT}/logout
IMPORTANT: The API authenticated will work only, when the CLI is used. A small change must be made to enable it to work for external calls, however, the project deadline was way too close to implement it.
Hardhat tests:
- npx hardhat compile
- npx hardhat test/coverage
Foundry tests:
- forge build
- forge test