This simple forward-in-time simulation generates genotypes and phenotypes of parents and children with realistic linkage disequilibrium (LD), assuming direct, indirect genetic and parent-of-origin effects, under random or assorative mating. The assortment is done by ordering the phenotpyes of the parents, up to a certain correlation
The code is tested with python/3.12.0.
module load python/3.12.0
python -m venv *nameofyourenv*
source *nameofyourenv*/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install numpy pandas scipy loguru gzip zarr tqdm dask
git clone
The code is run in two steps:
a.) The haplotypes and genotypes of the first generation parents are produced based on randomly selected variants of chromosome 4. This part of the code is based on The data of chromosome 4 is taken from the 1000 genomes project ( using vcfrandomsample ( to downsample the data to make it more manageable.
b.) Children are produced based on the first generation parents using a genetic map. The simulation is moved forward through generations keeping the number of individuals constant. Assortative mating can be introduced in this step. The foucs in this step can either be on calculating population mean and variance of child-mother-father trios or of differences in sibling pairs.
At the beginning of each script, instructions on how to run the code and input parameters can be found.
Possible input parameters:
--nfam number of families per batch (default=1000)
--ngen number of generations (default=10)
--nsim number of simulations (default=10)
--nvar number of variants, randomly sampled from chr4 subset (default=100)
--outdir path to output directory (required)
--randomdata default=False; switch to true if haplotypes should be generated from a binomial with prob=0.5 instead of LD from chr4
Output of this step are the haplotypes of mother and father (which can be used interchangeably as there is no difference due to sex) in zarr format, and a csv file of the selected loci from the vcf file.
The input parameters set in step a.) need to match the ones in this step. The variance of the effects V_true has to be changed within each script, if other values are needed. For trios, direct, maternal, paternal and parent-of-origin effects can be set, while for sibling pairs, there is an additional sibling effect. Currently, the values are set to diag(V_true) = (0.5, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, (0.1)).
Possible input parameters:
--indir path to input directory where output from is saved (required)
--outdir path to output directory (required)
--nchild number of children per parent pair (default=2) -- might cause troubles if set to another number
--nfam number of families per batch (default=1000), needs ot match input to
--ngen number of generations (default=10), needs ot match input to
--nsim number of simulations (default=10), needs ot match input to
--nvar number of variants, randomly sampled from chr4 subset (default=100), needs ot match input to
--ncvar number of causal variants (default=10), will be selected randomly from nvar
--AM turn on assortative mating (default=False)
--rho set correlation between parents' phenotypes (default=0.2) - only needed if AM=True
--batch mate in groups (batches) to avoid inbreeding, only needed if AM=True (default=False)
--saveStats save mean and variances (default=False)
--saveX save genotypes and phenotypes for first and last generation (default=False)
Output for saveX==True:
- true_betas.txt: True effects which are kept constant across generations
- true_V.txt: True covariance matrix between effects
- y_childX_genX.txt: phenotype of child 1 and 2 for the first and last generation. This file contains five columns with the total phenotype, the direct component, the maternal, the paternal and the parent-of-origin one.
- genotype_childX_genX.zarr: the genotype matrix of child 1 and 2 for the first and the last generation. The genotype matrix is ordered so that each loci has four columns: child's genotype, maternal genotype, paternal genotype, parent-of-origin information. The parent-of-origin information is coded as +1 for the maternalley inherited allele and -1 for the paternally inherited one for heterozygotes. The rest is set to 0.
- y_diff_genX.txt: difference in total phenotypes between the siblings. This file is only produced in
- genotype_diff_genX.zarr: genotype matrix for the sibling difference where each loci has two columns: genotypic difference between the siblings, parent-of-origin information. This file is only produced in
Output for saveStats==True:
- estimated population-level mean and variances for trios or sibling differences,
- estimated correlations between the effects,
- estimated genotypic and phenotypic correlations between parents,
- estimated mating frequencies, minor allele frequencies and genotype frequencies, as well as
- theoretical population-level mean and variances for trios or sibling differences, and
- theoretical genotype frequencies calculated with the estimated phenotypic and genotypic correlation
The header of each file should give more detailed information about the columns.
In case of questions or problems, please contact