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[📘Documentation] | [📁 Source Code]

rss is a module created to simplify advanced UI elements on a UI. Inspired by the famous CSS you can create special stylesheet files, one line code styles, and reusable styles.

Why rss?

Using a tool like rss can simplify advanced element styling into one line of code.

local rss = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.rss)

local frame ="Frame")
frame.Parent = script{
    padding: {5,4,2,1},
    corner: 5,

It works with your favorite libraries!

Optimize Fusion, and Roact with RSS. Adding advanced UI elements just got easier.

local Fusion = require(path/to/fusion)

local New = Fusion.New

New "Frame" {
    Parent = script,
    [Children] = {{padding: 6}),
        New "TextButton" {
            Text = "Fusion + RSS :D"


with Roarn (recommended for Rojo users)

To install rss with Roarn you can simply do the following command:

roarn install rss

Learn more on how Roarn, a Roblox package manager helps your workspace.

with Roblox

If you are preferably using Roblox Studio to develop code you can also install our module through the Roblox marketplace.

Roblox Module

with GitHub

You can also install our package from GitHub releases easily. We have ZIP files available for Rojo users although we would prefer you using Roarn for a more organized workspace.


If you have any questions on how rss works, please reply on this post! I'll be answering all questions here.

If you have more concerns or need help with fetchu we have community servers!

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