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A powerful bash library, preprocessor, and build tool designed for any environment with GNU coreutils and POSIX bash, grep, and sed.


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Superglue tests passing version

Bash on Steroids

Superglue is a powerful bash library, preprocessor, and build tool designed for any system supporting POSIX Bash v4 or v5, GNU Coreutils, POSIX Grep, and POSIX Sed.

It includes:

  • automatic shell environment sanitization whenever superglue is used (note that Superglue is shebang compatible #!/bin/superglue [OPTION])
  • a shell script preprocessor and build tool with macro expansion, file level environment configuration, and automatic file installation and removal via the sgl_mk_dest and sgl_rm_dest functions (see examples)
  • a POSIX and GNU option style argument parser via the sgl_parse_args function
  • conditional tests for the file system, environment, and program termination via the sgl_chk_ functions
  • improved file creation and deletion via the sgl_cp, sgl_mk_dest, and sgl_rm_dest functions
  • improved stdout and stderr printing via the sgl_color, sgl_print, and sgl_err functions
  • improved error handling via the sgl_err function

You can:

  • Write quick and clean scripts with our helper functions and variables.
  • Enjoy automatic environment stabilization and dependency checks.
  • Easily install or delete multiple scripts and configuration files.
  • Discover documentation delight with thorough references and help guides.
  • Embrace instant interactive love with automatic executable functions.
  • Understand clear and verbose error reports and avoid uncaught errors.
  • Master outputs with automatic switches and prettify your terminal with ease.


  • Build Beautifully

    This example copies a source file to multiple destinations with sgl_mk_dest. Destinations and other values are defined with tags (e.g. # @TAG VALUE) from within the source file for maximum convenience and flexibility.

    # make an example source file
    cat <<'EOF' > "${src}"
    # @version 0.1.0-beta.1
    # @dest "${HOME}/destination.file"
    # @dest $CUSTOM/destination.file
    # @mode 0755
    # @owner user:group
    # @var MACRO='expansion'
    # @var DEFINED="${CUSTOM}"
    if [ -f @DEFINED/custom.file ]; then
      echo '@VERSION has @MACRO'
    # @include ../path/to/included.file
    # make both destinations
    sgl mk_dest --define='CUSTOM=/your/custom/path' -- "${src}"
  • Wrap Warmly

    This example shows how you can quickly create executable scripts that are reliable and clear.

    #!/bin/superglue -S
    # Verify that the effective user is the root or exit.
    sgl_chk_uid --exit -- 0
    # Parse the arguments and exit if an invalid option is used.
    sgl_parse_args --options \
      '-a|--ask'    Y \
      '-b|--bounce'   \
      '-c|--coast'    \
      '-t|--tell'   M \
    # Process the parsed options.
    for opt in "${SGL_OPTS[@]}"; do
      # ...
    # On test failure print a clear error message and exit.
    test -n "${str}" || sgl_err VAL "invalid empty string"
    # If grep fails exit the process.
    ${grep} 'a mighty pattern' random.txt > ${NIL}
    sgl_chk_exit --exit --prg='Wrap Warmly' --cmd='grep' $?
    # Prettily print to stdout.
    sgl_print -C blue -t 'Your Choice' -D ' - ' -- 'groovy'
    sgl_print --title='VALUES' --delim=',' -- "${SGL_VALS[@]}"
    sgl_print --color green 'EXAMPLE PASSED'



git clone
make -C superglue && rm -rf superglue

The following Linux packages are on the to-do list.


A bash superset that cleans the environment, defines helper references, sources helper functions, and optionally sources a user-defined SCRIPT.

  sgl|sglue|superglue [...OPTION] FUNC [...FUNC_ARG]
  sgl|sglue|superglue [...OPTION] SCRIPT [...SCRIPT_ARG]

    -a|--alias           Enable function names without `sgl_' prefixes
                         for each sourced FUNC.
    -C|--no-color        Disable ANSI output coloring for terminals.
    -c|--color           Enable ANSI output coloring for non-terminals.
    -D|--silent-child    Disable `stderr' and `stdout' for child processes.
    -d|--quiet-child     Disable `stdout' output for child processes.
    -h|-?|--help[=FUNC]  Print help info and exit.
    -P|--silent-parent   Disable `stderr' and `stdout' for parent process.
    -p|--quiet-parent    Disable `stdout' output for parent process.
    -Q|--silent          Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet           Disable `stdout' output.
    -S|--source-all      Source every FUNC.
    -s|--source=FUNCS    Source each FUNC in FUNCS.
    -V|--verbose         Appends line number and context to errors.
    -v|--version         Print version info and exit.
    -x|--xtrace          Enables bash `xtrace' option.
    -|--                 End the options.

    FUNC    Must be a valid `superglue' function. The `sgl_' prefix
            is optional.
    FUNCS   Must be a list of 1 or more FUNC using `,', `|', or ` '
            to separate each.
    SCRIPT  Must be a valid file path to a `superglue' script.


  Exit Codes:
    0  PASS  A successful exit.
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


Base Variables

Variable Description
SGL_ARGS A read-only zero-based indexed array of each command passed SCRIPT_ARG.
SGL_FUNC The read-only name of the command passed FUNC.
SGL_OPTS See sgl_parse_args.
SGL_OPT_BOOL See sgl_parse_args.
SGL_OPT_VALS See sgl_parse_args.
SGL_SCRIPT The read-only name of the command passed SCRIPT.
SGL_VALS See sgl_parse_args.
SGL_VERSION The read-only superglue version.

Option Variables

All options are booleans (i.e. their value is 1 for true or 0 for false).

Variable Description

Color Variables

All colors are evaluated ANSI SGR escape codes. Use sgl_set_color to safely change these values.

Variable Description
SGL_BLACK Default code is 30.
SGL_BLUE Default code is 94.
SGL_CYAN Default code is 36.
SGL_GREEN Default code is 32.
SGL_PURPLE Default code is 35.
SGL_RED Default code is 91.
SGL_UNCOLOR Default code is 0.
SGL_WHITE Default code is 97.
SGL_YELLOW Default code is 33.



  sgl_chk_cmd [...OPTION] ...CMD

    -h|-?|--help            Print help info and exit.
    -m|--msg|--message=MSG  Override the default fail message.
    -p|--prg|--program=PRG  Include the parent PRG in the fail message.
    -Q|--silent             Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet              Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version            Print version info and exit.
    -x|--exit[=ERR]         Exit on check fail (default= `DPND').
    -|--                    End the options.

    CMD  A valid file path to an executable binary.
    ERR  Must be an error from the below options or any valid integer
         in the range of `1' to `126'.
      `ERR|MISC'  An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `OPT'       An invalid option (exit= `2').
      `VAL'       An invalid or missing value (exit= `3').
      `AUTH'      A permissions error (exit= `4').
      `DPND'      A dependency error (exit= `5').
      `CHLD'      A child process exited unsuccessfully (exit= `6').
      `SGL'       A `superglue' script error (exit= `7').
    MSG  Can be any string. The patterns, `CMD' and `PRG', are substituted
         with the proper values. The default MSG is:
           invalid executable path `CMD'[ for `PRG']
    PRG  Can be any string.

    0  PASS  Each CMD is a valid file path to an executable.
    1  FAIL  A CMD is not a valid file path to an executable.


  sgl_chk_dir [...OPTION] ...DIR

    -h|-?|--help            Print help info and exit.
    -m|--msg|--message=MSG  Override the default fail message.
    -p|--prg|--program=PRG  Include the parent PRG in the fail message.
    -Q|--silent             Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet              Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version            Print version info and exit.
    -x|--exit[=ERR]         Exit on check fail (default= `DPND').
    -|--                    End the options.

    DIR  A valid directory path.
    ERR  Must be an error from the below options or any valid integer
         in the range of `1' to `126'.
      `ERR|MISC'  An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `OPT'       An invalid option (exit= `2').
      `VAL'       An invalid or missing value (exit= `3').
      `AUTH'      A permissions error (exit= `4').
      `DPND'      A dependency error (exit= `5').
      `CHLD'      A child process exited unsuccessfully (exit= `6').
      `SGL'       A `superglue' script error (exit= `7').
    MSG  Can be any string. The patterns, `DIR' and `PRG', are substituted
         with the proper values. The default MSG is:
           invalid [`PRG' ]directory path `DIR'
    PRG  Can be any string.

    0  PASS  Each DIR is a valid directory path.
    1  FAIL  A DIR is not a valid directory path.


  sgl_chk_exit [...OPTION] ...CODE

    -h|-?|--help            Print help info and exit.
    -c|--cmd|--command=CMD  Include the CMD string in the fail message.
    -m|--msg|--message=MSG  Override the default fail message.
    -p|--prg|--program=PRG  Include the parent PRG in the fail message.
    -Q|--silent             Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet              Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version            Print version info and exit.
    -x|--exit[=ERR]         Exit on check fail (default= `DPND').
    -|--                    End the options.

    CMD   Can be any string. The default is `a command'.
    CODE  Must be an integer in the range of `0' to `255'.
    ERR   Must be an error from the below options or any valid integer
          in the range of `1' to `126'.
      `ERR|MISC'  An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `OPT'       An invalid option (exit= `2').
      `VAL'       An invalid or missing value (exit= `3').
      `AUTH'      A permissions error (exit= `4').
      `DPND'      A dependency error (exit= `5').
      `CHLD'      A child process exited unsuccessfully (exit= `6').
      `SGL'       A `superglue' script error (exit= `7').
    MSG   Can be any string. The patterns, `CMD', `PRG', and `CODE', are
          substituted with the proper values. The default MSG is:
            `CMD'[ in `PRG'] exited with `CODE'
    PRG   Can be any string.

    0  PASS  The exit CODE is zero.
    1  FAIL  The exit CODE is non-zero.


  sgl_chk_file [...OPTION] ...FILE

    -h|-?|--help            Print help info and exit.
    -m|--msg|--message=MSG  Override the default fail message.
    -p|--prg|--program=PRG  Include the parent PRG in the fail message.
    -Q|--silent             Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet              Disable `stdout' output.
    -r|--read|--readable    Require each FILE to be readable.
    -v|--version            Print version info and exit.
    -x|--exit[=ERR]         Exit on check fail (default= `DPND').
    -|--                    End the options.

    ERR   Must be an error from the below options or any valid integer
          in the range of `1' to `126'.
      `ERR|MISC'  An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `OPT'       An invalid option (exit= `2').
      `VAL'       An invalid or missing value (exit= `3').
      `AUTH'      A permissions error (exit= `4').
      `DPND'      A dependency error (exit= `5').
      `CHLD'      A child process exited unsuccessfully (exit= `6').
      `SGL'       A `superglue' script error (exit= `7').
    FILE  A valid file path.
    MSG   Can be any string. The patterns, `FILE' and `PRG', are substituted
          with the proper values. The default MSG is:
            invalid [`PRG' ]file path `FILE'
    PRG   Can be any string.

    0  PASS  Each FILE is a valid file path.
    1  FAIL  A FILE is not a valid file path.


  sgl_chk_uid [...OPTION] ...UID

    -h|-?|--help            Print help info and exit.
    -i|--invert             Invert the check to fail if a UID matches.
    -m|--msg|--message=MSG  Override the default fail message.
    -p|--prg|--program=PRG  Include the parent PRG in the fail message.
    -Q|--silent             Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet              Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version            Print version info and exit.
    -x|--exit[=ERR]         Exit on check fail (default= `AUTH').
    -|--                    End the options.

    ERR  Must be an error from the below options or any valid integer
         in the range of `1' to `126'.
      `ERR|MISC'  An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `OPT'       An invalid option (exit= `2').
      `VAL'       An invalid or missing value (exit= `3').
      `AUTH'      A permissions error (exit= `4').
      `DPND'      A dependency error (exit= `5').
      `CHLD'      A child process exited unsuccessfully (exit= `6').
      `SGL'       A `superglue' script error (exit= `7').
    MSG  Can be any string. The patterns, `UID', `EUID', and `PRG', are
         substituted with the proper values. The default MSG is:
           invalid user permissions[ for `PRG']
    PRG  Can be any string.
    UID  Must be an integer in the range of `0' to `60000'.

    0  PASS  Current effective user id matches a UID.
    1  FAIL  Current effective user id does not match a UID.


Easily print a colored message to stdout.

  sgl_color [...OPTION] COLOR ...MSG

    -d|--delim=DELIM  Use DELIM to deliminate each MSG.
    -h|-?|--help      Print help info and exit.
    -l|--loud         Do not disable `stdout' output.
    -N|--newline      Do print a trailing newline.
    -n|--no-newline   Do not print a trailing newline (default).
    -Q|--silent       Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet        Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version      Print version info and exit.
    -|--              End the options.

    COLOR  Must be a color from the below options.
    DELIM  Can be any string. By default DELIM is ` '.
    MSG    Can be any string. If no MSG is provided or only
           one MSG equal to `-' is provided then MSG must
           be provided via `stdin'.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


  sgl_cp [...OPTION] SRC DEST
  sgl_cp [...OPTION] ...SRC DIR
  sgl_cp [...OPTION] -d DIR ...SRC

    -B|--backup-ext=EXT   Override the default backup file extension, `~'.
    -b|--backup[=CTRL]    Make a backup of each existing destination file.
    -D|--no-dest-dir      Treat DEST as a normal file (not a DIR).
    -d|--dest-dir=DIR     Copy each SRC into DIR.
    -F|--no-force         If destination exists do not overwrite it.
    -f|--force            If destination exists overwrite it.
    -H|--cmd-dereference  Follow command-line SRC symlinks.
    -h|-?|--help          Print help info and exit.
    -K|--no-keep=ATTRS    Do not preserve the ATTRS.
    -k|--keep[=ATTRS]     Keep the ATTRS (default= `mode,ownership,timestamps').
    -L|--dereference      Always follow SRC symlinks.
    -l|--link             Hard link files instead of copying.
    -m|--mode=MODE        Set the file mode for each destination.
    -n|--no-clobber       If destination exists do not overwrite.
    -o|--owner=OWNER      Set the file owner for each destination.
    -P|--no-dereference   Never follow SRC symlinks.
    -Q|--silent           Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet            Disable `stdout' output.
    -r|--recursive        Copy directories recursively.
    -s|--symlink          Make symlinks instead of copying.
    -T|--no-target-dir    Treat DEST as a normal file (not a DIR).
    -t|--target-dir=DIR   Copy each SRC into DIR.
    -u|--update           Copy only when SRC is newer than DEST.
    -V|--verbose          Print exec status details.
    -v|--version          Print version info and exit.
    -w|--warn             If destination exists prompt before overwrite.
    -x|--one-file-system  Stay on this file system.
    -|--                  End the options.

    ATTR   Must be a file attribute from the below options.
    ATTRS  Must be a list of one or more ATTR separated by a `,'.
    CTRL   Must be a backup control method from the below options.
      `none|off'      Never make backups (even if `--backup' is given).
      `numbered|t'    Make numbered backups.
      `existing|nil'  Make numbered backups if they exist. Otherwise make simple.
      `simple|never'  Always make simple backups.
    DEST   Must be a valid file system path.
    DIR    Must be a valid directory path.
    EXT    Must be a valid file extension. No whitespace characters allowed.
    MODE   Must be a valid file mode. Symbolic and octal formats allowed.
           See `man chmod' for more details about valid options.
    OWNER  Must be a valid USER and/or GROUP formatted as `[USER][:[GROUP]]'.
           See `man chown' for more details about valid options.
    SRC    Must be a valid file system path.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


  sgl_err [...OPTION] ERR ...MSG

    -b|--no-color             Disable colored TITLE or MSG outputs.
    -C|--color-title[=COLOR]  Color TITLE with COLOR (default= `red').
    -c|--color[-msg][=COLOR]  Color MSG with COLOR (default= `red').
    -D|--delim-title=DELIM    Deliminate TITLE and MSG with DELIM.
    -d|--delim[-msg]=DELIM    Deliminate each MSG with DELIM.
    -E|--no-escape            Do not evaluate escapes in MSG (default).
    -e|--escape               Do evaluate escapes in MSG.
    -h|-?|--help              Print help info and exit.
    -N|--newline              Do print a trailing newline (default).
    -n|--no-newline           Do not print a trailing newline.
    -P|--child                Mark this error as one for a child process.
    -p|--parent               Mark this error as one for a parent process.
    -Q|--silent               Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet                Disable `stdout' output.
    -r|--return               Return instead of exiting.
    -T|--no-title             Disable any TITLE to be printed.
    -t|--title=TITLE          Override the default TITLE to be printed.
    -V|--verbose              Append the line number and context to output.
    -v|--version              Print version info and exit.
    -|--                      End the options.

    COLOR  Must be a color from the below options.
    DELIM  Can be any string. The default is ` '.
    ERR    Must be an error from the below options or any valid integer
           in the range of `1' to `126'.
      `ERR'   An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `MISC'  An unknown error (exit= `1').
      `OPT'   An invalid option (exit= `2').
      `VAL'   An invalid or missing value (exit= `3').
      `AUTH'  A permissions error (exit= `4').
      `DPND'  A dependency error (exit= `5').
      `CHLD'  A child process exited unsuccessfully (exit= `6').
      `SGL'   A `superglue' script error (exit= `7').
    MSG    Can be any string. If no MSG is provided or only
           one MSG equal to `-' is provided then MSG must
           be provided via `stdin'.
    TITLE  Can be any string.

    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


  sgl_mk_dest [...OPTION] ...SRC

    -B|--backup-ext=EXT   Override the default backup file extension, `~'.
    -b|--backup[=CTRL]    Make a backup of each existing destination file.
    -D|--defines=VARS     Define multiple VAR for any TAG VALUE to use.
    -d|--define=VAR       Define one VAR for any TAG VALUE to use.
    -E|--no-empty         Force SRC to contain at least one `dest' TAG (default).
    -e|--empty            Allow SRC to not contain a `destination' TAG.
    -F|--no-force         If destination exists do not overwrite it.
    -f|--force            If a destination exists overwrite it.
    -H|--cmd-dereference  Follow command-line SRC symlinks.
    -h|-?|--help          Print help info and exit.
    -I|--no-include       Disable `include' TAG processing and inserts.
    -K|--no-keep=ATTRS    Do not preserve the ATTRS.
    -k|--keep[=ATTRS]     Keep the ATTRS (default= `mode,ownership,timestamps').
    -L|--dereference      Always follow SRC symlinks.
    -l|--link             Hard link files instead of copying.
    -m|--mode=MODE        Set the file mode for each destination.
    -N|--no-insert        Disable `set' TAG processing and inserts.
    -n|--no-clobber       If destination exists do not overwrite.
    -o|--owner=OWNER      Set the file owner for each destination.
    -P|--no-dereference   Never follow SRC symlinks.
    -Q|--silent           Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet            Disable `stdout' output.
    -r|--recursive        If SRC is a directory recursively process directories.
    -s|--symlink          Make symlinks instead of copying.
    -T|--no-test          Disable REGEX testing for each DEST (default).
    -t|--test=REGEX       Test each DEST path against REGEX (uses bash `=~').
    -u|--update           Copy only when SRC is newer than DEST.
    -V|--verbose          Print exec status details.
    -v|--version          Print version info and exit.
    -w|--warn             If destination exists prompt before overwrite.
    -x|--one-file-system  Stay on this file system.
    -|--                  End the options.

    ATTR   Must be a file attribute from the below options.
    ATTRS  Must be a list of one or more ATTR separated by a `,'.
    CTRL   Must be a backup control method from the below options.
      `none|off'      Never make backups (even if `--backup' is given).
      `numbered|t'    Make numbered backups.
      `existing|nil'  Make numbered backups if they exist. Otherwise make simple.
      `simple|never'  Always make simple backups.
    DEST   Must be a valid path. Can include defined VAR KEYs identified by a
           leading `$' and optionally wrapped with curly brackets, `${KEY}'.
    EXT    Must be a valid file extension. No whitespace characters allowed.
    MODE   Must be a valid file mode. Symbolic and octal formats allowed.
           See `man chmod' for more details about valid options.
    OWNER  Must be a valid USER and/or GROUP formatted as `[USER][:[GROUP]]'.
           See `man chown' for more details about valid options.
    REGEX  Can be any string. Refer to bash test `=~' operator for more details.
    SRC    Must be a valid file or directory path. If SRC is a directory each
           child file path is processed as a SRC. Each SRC file must contain at
           least one `dest' TAG (unless `--empty' is used), can contain one
           `mode', `owner', and `version' TAG, and can contain multiple `include'
            or `set' TAG. Note that OPTION values take priority over TAG values.
    TAG    A TAG is defined within a SRC file's contents. It must be a one-line
           comment formatted as `# @TAG VALUE'. Spacing is optional except
           between TAG and VALUE. The TAG must be one of the options below.
      `dest|destination'  Formatted `# @dest DEST'.
      `incl|include'      Formatted `# @incl FILE'.
      `mod|mode'          Formatted `# @mod MODE'.
      `own|owner'         Formatted `# @own OWNER'.
      `set|var|variable'  Formatted `# @set KEY=VALUE'.
      `vers|version'      Formatted `# @vers VERSION'.
    VAR    Must be a valid `KEY=VALUE' pair. The KEY must start with a character
           matching `[a-zA-Z_]', only contain characters `[a-zA-Z0-9_]', and end
           with a character matching `[a-zA-Z0-9]'.
    VARS   Must be a list of one or more VAR separated by a `,'.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


This function parses each argument in global indexed array, SGL_ARGS, and saves the resulting options and values to the following global zero-based indexed arrays:

  • SGL_OPTS Each parsed option (e.g. -s or --long).
  • SGL_OPT_BOOL Whether each option has a value (0 or 1).
  • SGL_OPT_VALS The parsed option value.
  • SGL_VALS The remaining (non-option) parsed values.

  sgl_parse_args [...OPTION]

    -a|--args|--arguments [...ARG]
      Override the args to parse (default uses `"${SGL_ARGS[@]}"'). Must be the
      last OPTION used. Do not use `=' between this OPTION and any ARG.
    -o|--opts|--options [...OPTS[=VAL]] [-|--]
      Define each acceptable OPT and VAL (default= `0'). If this OPTION is not
      the last one used, it must use `-' or `--' to indicate the end of OPTS.
      Do not use `=' between this OPTION and any OPTS. Note that the OPTS
      `"-|--" NO' is automatically assumed.
      Define a program name to include in any error messages.
    -Q|--silent   Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet    Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version  Print version info and exit.
    -?|-h|--help  Print help info and exit.

    ARG   Each original argument. Can be any string.
    OPT   A short (e.g. `-o') or long (e.g. `--opt') option pattern.
    OPTS  One or more OPT. Use `|' to separate each OPT (e.g. `-o|--opt').
    PRG   A program name. Can be any string.
    VAL   Indicates whether each OPT accepts a value. Must be a choice from below.
      `0|N|NO'     The OPT has no value.
      `1|Y|YES'    The OPT requires a value.
      `2|M|MAYBE'  The OPT can have a value.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


Flexibly print a message to stdout or a destination of choice.

  sgl_print [...OPTION] ...MSG

    -b|--no-color           Disable colored TITLE or MSG outputs.
    -C|--color-title=COLOR  Color TITLE with COLOR.
    -c|--color[-msg]=COLOR  Color MSG with COLOR.
    -D|--delim-title=DELIM  Deliminate TITLE and MSG with DELIM.
    -d|--delim[-msg]=DELIM  Deliminate each MSG with DELIM.
    -E|--no-escape          Do not evaluate escapes in MSG (default).
    -e|--escape             Do evaluate escapes in MSG.
    -h|-?|--help            Print help info and exit.
    -l|--loud               Do not disable `stdout' output.
    -N|--newline            Do print a trailing newline (default).
    -n|--no-newline         Do not print a trailing newline.
    -o|--out=DEST           Print this message to DEST.
    -P|--child              Mark this output as one for a child process.
    -p|--parent             Mark this output as one for a parent process.
    -Q|--silent             Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet              Disable `stdout' output.
    -T|--no-title           Disable any TITLE to be printed.
    -t|--title=TITLE        Print TITLE before MSG.
    -v|--version            Print version info and exit.
    -|--                    End the options.

    COLOR  Must be a color from the below options.
    DELIM  Can be any string. By default DELIM is ` '.
    DEST   Must be `1|stdout', `2|stderr', or a valid file path.
    MSG    Can be any string. If no MSG is provided or only
           one MSG equal to `-' is provided then MSG must
           be provided via `stdin'.
    TITLE  Can be any string.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


  sgl_rm_dest [...OPTION] ...SRC

    -D|--defines=VARS     Define multiple VAR for any TAG VALUE to use.
    -d|--define=VAR       Define one VAR for any TAG VALUE to use.
    -E|--no-empty         Force SRC to contain at least one `dest' TAG (default).
    -e|--empty            Allow SRC to not contain a `destination' TAG.
    -F|--no-force         If destination exists do not overwrite it.
    -f|--force            If destination exists overwrite it.
    -h|-?|--help          Print help info and exit.
    -Q|--silent           Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet            Disable `stdout' output.
    -r|--recursive        If SRC is a directory recursively process directories.
    -T|--no-test          Disable REGEX testing for each DEST (default).
    -t|--test=REGEX       Test each DEST path against REGEX (uses bash `=~').
    -V|--verbose          Print exec status details.
    -v|--version          Print version info and exit.
    -x|--one-file-system  Stay on this file system.
    -|--                  End the options.

    DEST   Must be a valid path. Can include defined VAR KEYs identified by a
           leading `$' and optionally wrapped with curly brackets, `${KEY}'.
    REGEX  Can be any string. Refer to bash test `=~' operator for more details.
    SRC    Must be a valid file or directory path. If SRC is a directory each
           child file path is processed as a SRC. Each SRC file must contain at
           least one `dest' TAG (unless `--empty' is used), can contain one
           `mode', `owner', and `version' TAG, and can contain multiple `include'
           or `set' TAG. Note that OPTION values take priority over TAG values.
    TAG    A TAG is defined within a SRC file's contents. It must be a one-line
           comment formatted as `# @TAG VALUE'. Spacing is optional except
           between TAG and VALUE. The TAG must be one of the options below.
      `dest|destination'  Formatted `# @dest DEST'.
      `incl|include'      Formatted `# @incl FILE'.
      `mod|mode'          Formatted `# @mod MODE'.
      `own|owner'         Formatted `# @own OWNER'.
      `set|var|variable'  Formatted `# @set KEY=VALUE'.
      `vers|version'      Formatted `# @vers VERSION'.
    VAR    Must be a valid `KEY=VALUE' pair. The KEY must start with a character
           matching `[a-zA-Z_]', can only contain `[a-zA-Z0-9_]', and must end
           with `[a-zA-Z0-9]'. The VALUE must not contain a `,'.
    VARS   Must be a list of one or more VAR separated by a `,'.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


  sgl_set_color [...OPTION] [...COLOR[=ANSI]]

    -d|--disable  Disable a COLOR or all colors.
    -e|--enable   Enable a COLOR or all colors.
    -h|-?|--help  Print help info and exit.
    -Q|--silent   Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet    Disable `stdout' output.
    -r|--reset    Reset a COLOR or all colors.
    -v|--version  Print version info and exit.
    -|--          End the options.

    ANSI   Must be an ANSI color code with or without evaluated escapes and
           form (e.g. `36', `0;36m', `\e[0;36m', or `\033[0;36m').
    COLOR  Must be a color from the below options. If a COLOR is defined
           without any OPTION or ANSI then the COLOR is reset.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.


Note that sgl_source is automatically available within superglue.

  sgl_source [...OPTION] ...FUNC

    -A|--no-alias  Disable FUNC aliases without `sgl_' prefix (default).
    -a|--alias     Enable FUNC aliases without `sgl_' prefix.
    -h|-?|--help   Print help info and exit.
    -Q|--silent    Disable `stderr' and `stdout' outputs.
    -q|--quiet     Disable `stdout' output.
    -v|--version   Print version info and exit.
    -|--           End the options.

    FUNC  Must be one of the below `superglue' functions. The `sgl_' prefix
          is optional, and the globstar, `*', may be used.

    0  PASS

  Exits (on error only):
    1  ERR   An unknown error.
    2  OPT   An invalid option.
    3  VAL   An invalid or missing value.
    4  AUTH  A permissions error.
    5  DPND  A dependency error.
    6  CHLD  A child process exited unsuccessfully.
    7  SGL   A `superglue' script error.

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