This project was bootstrapped with Create React Native App.
- install all project dependencies with
npm install
- start the development server with
npm start
- scan QR code with expo app and enjoy
- Tested on Redmi Note 3 (Android Oreo)
├── .babelrc # babel config.
├── App.js # app starting point.
├── app.json # app config.
├── App.test.js # app test file.
├── package.json # Package manager file.
├── - This file.
├── helpers
│ ├── notifications.js # helper functions for notification.
│ ├── storage.js # helper functions for AsyncStorage.
│ ├── styles.js # styles used all over app.
└── components
├── AddCard.js # to add card to deck.
├── AddDeck.js # to create new deck.
├── Dashboard.js # contains created deck list.
├── DeckView.js # actions and details related to a specific deck
├── Home.js # contains logic for app stack navigation
├── Quiz.js # quiz screen