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Tiny utility for extract dependency difference two commit hash.

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# markdown
deps-diff md -p [your project directory]

# or use pipe
deps-diff json -p [your project directory] | deps-diff-pipe-md

output like below,

- deps
  - dev
    - add rollup: 3.1.0
    - change deps-diff: 0.6.0 > 0.7.0

Yes, you can add this content to git commit log.

CLI Option


command desc.
json dependencies difference generate json format
md dependencies difference generate markdown format


command alias default array desc.
project p process.cwd() project directory from which to extract version changes, if you not pass this option that will be use cwd(current working directory)
config c configuration file path, if you not pass this option that will be use find '.depsrc' first
dependencies d prod o array of dependency type: dev, prod, peer
ignore i o ignore specfic dependency with action. You can pass dev-add, dev-remove, dev-change, prod-add, prod-remove, prod-change, peer-add, peer-remove, peer-change
prev-hash latest commit hash previous git commit hash for comparison
next-hash process.cwd()/package.json previous git commit hash for comparison
title-list-type # list type of markdown document title
deps-list-type m (replace -) list type of markdown document dependency
content-list-type m (replace -) list type of markdown document content
git-basedir process.cwd() git base directory. This directory exists .git
git-binary git git binary filename


If your project structure like below,

├─ .git/
├─ packages/
│  ├─ my-project/
│  │  ├─ package.json # deps-diff install here
│  │  ├─ Button.tsx
│  │  ├─ Input.tsx
│  ├─ pages/
│  │  ├─ Hero.tsx
│  │  ├─ User.tsx

You can add npm scripts that,

# my-project > package.json > scripts

deps-diff md -d prod -d dev --project . --git-basedir ../..

Custom format markdown

You have to inheritance AbstractParser and implement it. MarkdownParser is markdown parser example.