To turn the exploration of graph genomes into an immersive, interactive, and usable iVR experience, we present a new VR application which we call "The Immersive Graph Genome Explorer" (IGGE). IGGE is a virtual platform built upon the Unity Game Engine that affords a suite of graph genome exploration tools, cross-platform viewing, and 3DUI. We built IGGE through shadowing a team of genomics experts at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institutes (UCSC GI). Over the course of November 2019 to October 2020, the developers met monthly with four genomics experts to shadow their current analysis tools and create iterative prototypes for iVR graph genome interaction.
[Watch the beta demo video here!]
Keywords: genome, unity, virtual reality, vr, visualization
Version: Unity 2020.1.1f1
Come try out IGGE on Oculus Quest or Windows PC! See Installation to get started.
See Overview
Oculus Quest or Windows PC.