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A collection of useful helper methods.


To install, use the following Package Manager command:

PM> Install-Package Impworks.Utils


Add the using directive with the required namespace to the top of the file where you intend to use a helper method.

If you work with Resharper, it will suggest adding the namespace automatically.

The methods

The package provides the following methods, split into logical parts.

  • Strings

    Parsing to various types (primitives supported by default):

    "123".Parse<int>() // 123
    "hello".TryParse<int?>() // null
    "12345".TryParse<MyType>(MyParseFunc) // MyType
    "1,2,test,3".TryParseList<int>() // 1, 2, 3
    "1;2;test;3".TryParseList<int>(separator: ";") // 1, 2, 3
    "1".TryParse<MyEnum?>(); // MyEnum or null


    StringHelper.Coalesce(null, "", "test") // test

    Ends/starts with substring:

    "hello world".StartsWithPart("hello test", 5) // true
    "a test".EndsWithPart("b TEST", 4, ignoreCase: true) // true

    Transliteration from Russian:

    StringHelper.Transliterate("Привет мир", "_") // "Privet_mir"

    string.Join as extension:

    new [] { 1, 2, 3 }.JoinString(", ") // "1, 2, 3"
  • Enumerable

    Distinct by projection:

    new [] { 1, 2, 3 }.DistinctBy(x => x % 2) // 1, 2

    Conditional ordering:

    new [] { 4, 6, 1 }.OrderBy(x => x, isDescending) // true => 6, 4, 1, false => 1, 4, 6
    new [] { obj1, obj2 }.OrderBy("FieldA.FieldB", isDescending) // orders by field or path


    new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }.PartitionBySize(2) // [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]
    new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }.PartitionByCount(2) => [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]

    Recursive selection and application:

    new [] { treeRoot }.SelectRecursively(x => x.Children) // selects all children in a flat list
    new [] { treeRoot }.ApplyRecursively(x => x.Children, x => x.Value = 1) // sets Value = 1 on all children

    Destructuring sequences:

    var (a, b) = new [] { 1, 2, 3 }.First2(); // a = 1, b = 2
    var (c, d, e, f) = new [] { "foo", "bar" }.First4OrDefault(); // e, f = null
  • Expressions

    Expression combinations (useful for LINQ):

    ExprHelper.And<Foo>(x => x.A == 1, x => x.B == 2) // x => x.A == 1 && x.B == 2
    ExprHelper.Or<Foo>(x => x.A == 1, x => x.B == 2) // x => x.A == 1 || x.B == 2

    Partial application (for Func and Action up to 8 arguments):

    ExprHelper.Apply((int x, int y) => x + y, 10) // Expr for (int x) => x + 10
  • Enums

    Captions from Description attribute:

    enum Language
        [Description("C#")] CSharp,
        [Description("C++")] CPlusPlus
    EnumHelper.GetEnumDescriptions<Language>() // { Language.CSharp = "C#", Language.CPlusPlus = "C++" }

    Case-insensitive IsDefined:

    EnumHelper.IsDefined<Language>("csharp") // true
  • Exceptions

    Fluent exception ignoring (with async versions too):

    Try.Do(() => SomeStuff()); // does not throw
    Try.Get(() => GetAnInt()) // returns 0 on exception
    Try.Get(() => GetAnInt(), 123) // returns 123 on exception
  • Comparisons

    Min and Max for all IComparable's:

    CompareHelper.Min("b", "a", "c") // "a"
    CompareHelper.Max(DateTime.Parse("2024-01-01"), DateTime.Parse("2023-02-01")) // 2024-01-01
  • Random

    Random values:

    RandomHelper.Int(1, 100) // 42
    RandomHelper.Float() // 0.1337
    RandomHelper.Sign() // -1 or 1
    RandomHelper.DoubleNormal() // normal distribution around 0.5 limited to 0..1

    Random picks:

    RandomHelper.Pick(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) // 4
    RandomHelper.PickWeighted(new [] { "a", "test", "blablabla" }, x => x.Length) // likely "blablabla"
    new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.PickRandom() // optionally accepts a weight function too


    new [] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }.Shuffle() // something like 4, 2, 1, 5, 3
  • Dictionary

    Value retrieval:

    var dict = new Dictionary<string, int> { ["hello"] = 1, ["world"] = 2 };
    dict.TryGetValue("hello") // 1
    dict.TryGetValue("test") // 0
    dict.TryGetValue("foo", null, "hello") // 1
    dict.TryGetNullableValue("test") // null
  • Urls

    URL parts combination:

    UrlHelper.Combine("", "bar/", "/test") //

    Query generation from an object (accepts anonymous objects, Dictionary and JObject):

    UrlHelper.GetQuery(new { A = 1, B = "hello" }) // "A=1&B=hello"
    UrlHelper.GetQuery(new { A = new [] { 1, 2, 3 } }) // "A=1&A=2&A=3"
  • Tasks (.NET Standard 2.0 only)

    Parallel awaiting (strong typing, up to 7 values):

    var (i, str) = await TaskHelper.GetAll(

    Async ID-based locker:

    var locker = new Locker<int>();
    using(await locker.AcquireAsync(123))
        // do stuff
  • XML


    var xml = XElement.Parse(@"<test a=""1337"" b=""true"" />");
    xml.Attr("a") // "1337"
    xml.ParseAttr<int>("a") // 1337
    xml.ParseAttr<bool>("b") // true
    xml.TryParseAttr<bool?>("a") // null

    Less verbose serialization with a cleaner resulting XML:

    var obj = new MyObject { Foo = "hello", Bar = (int?) null };
    XmlHelper.Serialize(obj) // <MyObject><Foo>Hello</Foo><Bar /></MyObject>
    XmlHelper.Serialize(obj, clean: false); // lots of junk: xml declaration, namespaces, nil's
    XmlHelper.Deserialize<MyObject>("...") // gets it back


Personal collection of various helper methods







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