Login credential
username: johndoe password: s3cret
How to run?
move to
directorycd react-testing-traversy
install dependencies and run the app
# install dependencies yarn install # run the app yarn dev
run the unit test
yarn test
run the End-to-End test using cypress
yarn run cypress open
Folder | Source |
react-testing-traversy | React Testing Crash Course by Traversy Media |
react-testing-laithharb | React Testing Library Crash Course by Laith Harb |
react-testing-pmez | TDD Live Coding - Test Driven Development Tutorial with React, Jest, and Enzyme |
react-testing-fc-hooks | Testing React Function Components with Hooks using Enzyme |
react-testing-headway | Intro to React Testing [Jest and React Testing Library Tutorial] |
react-testing-bruno | React.js Unit Testing and Integration Testing Tutorial |