Live Website Link -
- Tailwind CSS.
- Daisy UI.
- FontAwesome
- Lottie for animation.
- Sweet Alert.
- Rechart.
- React, React Router.
- Context API.
- NavLink and NavHashLink etc.
- First I created a react app.
- Then I installed tailwind framework, daisy UI, FontAwesome ele and also installed react-router-dom.
- After doing this i created route and components.
- After that i fetch API data and loaded in route loader, then i received data using useLoaderData() hook.
- I loaded data in my site doing some looping and using some prop drilling and also using context API
- lastly i used rechart for showing my data.
- First clone this project form github.
- after that open your command prompt in this this folder path.
- Then run this "npm install" command.
- After this installation run another command "npm start", after some time later this project will shown in your default browser.