grade ingests Go benchmark data into InfluxDB so that you can track performance over time.
To download and install the grade
executable into your $GOPATH/bin
go get
The data from Go benchmarks tends to be very time-sparse (up to perhaps dozens of commits per day), so we recommend creating your database with an infinite retention and a large shard duration. Issue this command to your InfluxDB instance:
Although you can pipe the output of go test
directly into grade
for now we recommend placing the output of go test
in a file first so that if something goes wrong,
you don't have to wait again to run all the benchmarks.
For example, to run all the benchmarks in your current Go project:
go test -run=^$ -bench=. -benchmem ./... > bench.txt
Then, assuming you are in the directory of your Go project and
git has checked out the same commit corresponding with the tests that have run,
this is the bare set of options to load the benchmark results into InfluxDB via grade
grade \
-hardwareid="my dev machine" \
-goversion="$(go version | cut -d' ' -f3-)" \
-revision="$(git log -1 --format=%H)" \
-timestamp="$(git log -1 --format=%ct)" \
-branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" \
< bench.txt
Notes on this style of invocation:
is not provided but defaults tohttp://localhost:8086
. Basic auth credentials can be embedded in the URL if needed. HTTPS is supported; supply-insecure
if you need to skip SSL verification. If you set it to an empty string,grade
will print line protocol to stdout.-database
is not provided but defaults tobenchmarks
is not provided but defaults togo
.- The hardware ID is a string that you specify to identify the hardware on which the benchmarks were run.
- The Go version subcommand will produce a string like
go1.6.2 darwin/amd64
, but you can use any string you'd like. - The revision subcommand is the full SHA of the commit, but feel free to use a git tag name or any other string.
- The timestamp is a Unix epoch timestamp in seconds. The above subcommand produces the Unix timestamp for the committer of the most recent commit. This assumes that the commits whose benchmarks are being run, all are ascending in time; git does not enforce that commits' timestamps are ascending, so if this assumption is broken, your data may look strange when you visualize it.
- The branch subcommand is the name of the current branch. The
flag is optional.
For each benchmark result from a run of go test -bench
- Tags:
is the same string as passed in to the-goversion
is the same string as passed in to the-hardwareid
is the name of the benchmark function, stripped of theBenchmark
is the name of Go package containing the benchmark,
is the number of CPUs used to run the benchmark. This is a tag because you are more likely to group byprocs
rather than chart them over time.branch
is the same string as passed in to the-branch
flag. Since the-branch
flag is optional and can be omited, the tag will be present only if the flag is set.
- Fields:
is the allocated bytes per iteration of the benchmark.allocs_per_op
is how many allocations occurred per iteration of the benchmark.mb_per_s
is how many megabytes processed per second when running the benchmark.n
is the number of iterations in the benchmark.ns_per_op
is the number of wall nanoseconds taken per iteration of the benchmark.revision
is the git revision specified in the-revision
flag. This was chosen to be a field so that the information is quickly available but not at the cost of a growing series cardinality per benchmark run.
For a benchmark like this:
BenchmarkMarshal-2 500000 2901 ns/op 560 B/op 13 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointNoTags-2 2000000 733 ns/op 31.36 MB/s 208 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointWithPrecisionN-2 2000000 627 ns/op 36.68 MB/s 208 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointWithPrecisionU-2 2000000 636 ns/op 36.15 MB/s 208 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointsTagsSorted2-2 2000000 947 ns/op 53.85 MB/s 240 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointsTagsSorted5-2 1000000 1189 ns/op 69.75 MB/s 272 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointsTagsSorted10-2 1000000 1624 ns/op 88.05 MB/s 320 B/op 4 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointsTagsUnSorted2-2 1000000 1167 ns/op 43.69 MB/s 272 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointsTagsUnSorted5-2 1000000 1627 ns/op 50.99 MB/s 336 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkParsePointsTagsUnSorted10-2 500000 2733 ns/op 52.32 MB/s 448 B/op 5 allocs/op
BenchmarkParseKey-2 1000000 2361 ns/op 1030 B/op 24 allocs/op
ok 19.809s
Which is passed to grade
like this:
grade \
-influxurl '' \
-goversion "$(go version | cut -d' ' -f3-)" \
-hardwareid c4.large \
-revision v1.0.2 \
-timestamp "$(cd $GOPATH/src/ && git log v1.0.2 -1 --format=%ct)" \
-branch="$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" \
< models-1.0.2.txt
You will see output like:
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=Marshal,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=560i,allocs_per_op=13i,n=500000i,ns_per_op=2901,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointNoTags,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=208i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=31.36,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=733,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointWithPrecisionN,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=208i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=36.68,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=627,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointWithPrecisionU,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=208i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=36.15,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=636,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsSorted2,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=240i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=53.85,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=947,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsSorted5,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=272i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=69.75,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1189,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsSorted10,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=320i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=88.05,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1624,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsUnSorted2,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=272i,allocs_per_op=5i,mb_per_s=43.69,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1167,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsUnSorted5,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=336i,allocs_per_op=5i,mb_per_s=50.99,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1627,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsUnSorted10,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=448i,allocs_per_op=5i,mb_per_s=52.32,n=500000i,ns_per_op=2733,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,branch=master,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParseKey,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=1030i,allocs_per_op=24i,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=2361,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
Or without the -branch
grade \
-influxurl '' \
-goversion "$(go version | cut -d' ' -f3-)" \
-hardwareid c4.large \
-revision v1.0.2 \
-timestamp "$(cd $GOPATH/src/ && git log v1.0.2 -1 --format=%ct)" \
< models-1.0.2.txt
You will see output like:
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=Marshal,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=560i,allocs_per_op=13i,n=500000i,ns_per_op=2901,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointNoTags,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=208i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=31.36,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=733,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointWithPrecisionN,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=208i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=36.68,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=627,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointWithPrecisionU,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=208i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=36.15,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=636,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsSorted2,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=240i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=53.85,n=2000000i,ns_per_op=947,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsSorted5,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=272i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=69.75,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1189,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsSorted10,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=320i,allocs_per_op=4i,mb_per_s=88.05,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1624,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsUnSorted2,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=272i,allocs_per_op=5i,mb_per_s=43.69,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1167,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsUnSorted5,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=336i,allocs_per_op=5i,mb_per_s=50.99,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=1627,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParsePointsTagsUnSorted10,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=448i,allocs_per_op=5i,mb_per_s=52.32,n=500000i,ns_per_op=2733,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000
go,goversion=go1.6.2\ linux/amd64,hwid=c4.large,name=ParseKey,,procs=2 alloced_bytes_per_op=1030i,allocs_per_op=24i,n=1000000i,ns_per_op=2361,revision="v1.0.2" 1475695157000000000