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Casper edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 7 revisions

A library to map Order to Equations that can be solved by the Informedica.GenSolver.Lib, using the Informedica.Units.Lib to convert all values to base values.

A medical order is mainly used to prescribe medication, but can also be used to prescribe feeding, parenteral nutrition, maintenance fluids etc.. The prescribed order needs:

  1. Lookup, for example which medication products are available, how to dose them and how to prepare the prescription for administration.
  2. Often, there are also calculations involved. Particularly the calculation of dose and the preparation of the medication can be quite complicated.
  3. Finally, the whole process follows a cyclic pattern in which a administered prescription can lead to additions or alterations.

Medication Cycle

In order to be able to perform the necessary calculations in each step of the medication cycle a specific modelling of an Order is needed.

The following model will be used for an Order:

Order model

So an Order consists of the following types:

  • Order: models a specific order identified by an Id.
  • Prescription: models how an Orderis prescribed. AnOrdercan only be described in a singlePrescription`.
  • Orderable: something that can be "ordered". An Order can have only one Orderable.
  • Component: an Orderable can consist of 1 to c Components.
  • Item: a Component can contain 1 to i Items. An Item can have 1 to g UnitGroup variations.
  • Each Orderable, Component and Item can have one or more Dose. The number of Doses depends on the a Adust of the Order

This means that you can express a Dose for example both per kg bodyweight and per BSA (body surface area). Each Item can be expressed both in, for example, mass units and molar units.

The following quantities/values can be identified involved in calculation of an Order:

No Short Name Long Name Unit Description
1 id.n.g.itm.cmp.qty ItemComponentQuantity Item Unit Quantity of Item in a Component
2 id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc ItemComponentConcentration Item Unit / Component Unit Concentration of Item in a Component
3 id.n.g.itm.orb.qty ItemOrderableQuantity Item Unit Quantity of Item in an Orderable
4 id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc ItemOrderableConcentration Item Unit / Orderable Unit Concentration of Item in an Orderable
5 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty ItemDoseQuantity Item Unit Dose Quantity of an Item
6 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot ItemDoseTotal Item Unit / Time Unit Dose Total of an Item
7 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte ItemDoseRate Item Unit / Time Unit Dose Rate of an Item
8 id.n.g.itm.dos.ord ItemDoseOrder Item Unit Dose Total in an Order
9 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj ItemDoseQuantityAdjust Item Unit / Adjust Unit Adjusted Dose Quantity of an Item
10 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj ItemDoseTotalAdjust Item Unit / Adjust Unit / Time Unit Adjusted Dose Total of an Item
11 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj ItemDoseRateAdjust Item Unit / Adjust Unit / Time Unit Adjusted Dose Rate of an Item
12 id.n.g.itm.dos.ord.adj ItemDoseOrderAdjust Item Unit / Adjust Unit Total adjust Dose in an Order
13 id.n.g.itm.cnv ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor Item Unit / Item Unit Conversion Factor from Base Unit Group
14 id.n.cmp.qty ComponentQuantity Component Unit Quantity of Component
15 id.n.cmp.orb.qty ComponentOrderableQuantity Component Unit Quantity of Component in an Orderable
16 id.n.cmp.orb.cnc ComponentOrderableConcentration Component Unit / Orderable Unit Concentration of a Component in an Orderable
17 id.n.cmp.orb.cnt ComponentOrderableCount Count Unit Amount of Components in an Orderable
18 id.n.cmp.ord.qty ComponentOrderQuantity Component Unit Quantity of Component in an Order
19 id.n.cmp.ord.cnt ComponentOrderCount Count Unit Amont of Components in an Order
20 id.n.cmp.dos.qty ComponentDoseQuantity Component Unit Dose Quantity of an Component
21 id.n.cmp.dos.tot ComponentDoseTotal Component Unit / Time Unit Dose Total of an Component
22 id.n.cmp.dos.rte ComponentDoseRate Component Unit / Time Unit Dose Rate of an Component
23 id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust Component Unit / Adjust Unit Adjusted Dose Quantity of an Component
24 id.n.cmp.dos.tot.adj ComponentDoseTotalAdjust Component Unit / Adjust Unit / Time Unit Adjusted Dose Total of an Component
25 id.n.cmp.dos.rte.adj ComponentDoseRateAdjust Component Unit / Adjust Unit / Time Unit Adjusted Dose Rate of an Component
26 id.orb.qty OrderableQuantity Orderable Unit Quantity of Orderable
27 id.orb.ord.qty OrderableOrderQuantity Orderable Unit Quantity of Orderable in an Order
28 id.orb.ord.cnt OrderableOrderCount Count Unit Amount of Orderable in an Order
29 id.orb.dos.qty OrderableDoseQuantity Orderable Unit Dose Quantity of an Orderable
30 id.orb.dos.tot OrderableDoseTotal Orderable Unit / Time Unit Dose Total of an Orderable
31 id.orb.dos.rte OrderableDoseRate Orderable Unit / Time Unit Dose Rate of an Orderable
32 id.orb.dos.qty.adj OrderableDoseQuantityAdust Orderable Unit / Adjust Unit Adjusted Dose Quantity of an Orderable
33 id.orb.dos.tot.adj OrderableDoseTotalAdjust Orderable Unit / Adjust Unit / Time Unit Adjusted Dose Total of an Orderable
34 id.orb.dos.rte.adj OrderableDoseRateAdjust Orderable Unit / Adjust Unit / Time Unit Adjusted Dose Rate of an Orderable
35 id.pres.freq PrescriptionFrequency Count Unit / Time Unit Frequency of administration
36 id.pres.time PrescriptionTime Time Unit Duration of an administration
37 id.ord.adj OrderAdjust Adjust Unit Quantity used to adjust dose
38 id.ord.time OrderTime Time Unit Duration of the order
  • id: should be replaced by an unique identifier of the order
  • n: should be replaced by the name of the Item and Component
  • g: should be replaced by the unit group used for the Item Unit
  • adj: should be replaced by the type of adjustment, bodyweight or BSA

These variables are used in the following list of Equations:

No Short Name Long Name
1 id.n.g.itm.cmp.qty = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.qty ItemComponentQuantity = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentQuantity
2 id.n.g.itm.orb.qty = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.qty ItemOrderableQuantity = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableQuantity
3 id.n.g.itm.orb.qty = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.orb.qty ItemOrderableQuantity = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentOrderableQuantity
4 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.dos.qty ItemDoseQuantity = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentDoseQuantity
5 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.qty ItemDoseQuantity = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseQuantity
6 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty = id.n.g.itm.dos.rte x pres.time ItemDoseQuantity = ItemDoseRate x PrescriptionTime
7 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty = id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj x id.ord.adj ItemDoseQuantity = ItemDoseQuantityAdjust x OrderAdjust
8 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.dos.tot ItemDoseTotal = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentDoseTotal
9 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.tot ItemDoseTotal = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseTotal
10 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot = id.n.g.itm.dos.qty x pres.freq ItemDoseTotal = ItemDoseQuantity x PrescriptionFrequency
11 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot = id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj x id.ord.adj ItemDoseTotal = ItemDoseTotalAdjust x OrderAdjust
12 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.dos.rte ItemDoseRate = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentDoseRate
13 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.rte ItemDoseRate = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseRate
14 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte = id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj x id.ord.adj ItemDoseRate = ItemDoseRateAdjust x OrderAdjust
15 id.n.g.itm.dos.ord = item.dos.tot x id.ord.time ItemDoseOrder = ItemDoseTotal x OrderTime
16 id.n.g.itm.dos.ord = item.dos.rte x id.ord.time ItemDoseOrder = ItemDoseRate x OrderTime
17 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj ItemDoseQuantityAdjust = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust
18 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.qty.adj ItemDoseQuantityAdjust = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseQuantityAdjust
19 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj = id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj x pres.time ItemDoseQuantityAdjust = ItemDoseRateAdjust x PrescriptionTime
20 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.dos.tot.adj ItemDoseTotalAdjust = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentDoseTotalAdjust
21 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.tot.adj ItemDoseTotalAdjust = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseTotalAdjust
22 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj = id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj x pres.freq ItemDoseTotalAdjust = ItemDoseQuantityAdjust x PrescriptionFrequency
23 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj = id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc x id.n.cmp.dos.rte.adj ItemDoseRateAdjust = ItemComponentConcentration x ComponentDoseRateAdjust
24 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj = id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.rte.adj ItemDoseRateAdjust = ItemOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseRateAdjust
25 id.n.g.itm.cmp.qty = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.cmp.qty ItemComponentQuantity = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemComponentQuantity
26 id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.cmp.cnc ItemComponentConcentration = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemComponentConcentration
27 id.n.g.itm.orb.qty = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.orb.qty ItemOrderableQuantity = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemOrderableQuantity
28 id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.orb.cnc ItemOrderableConcentration = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemOrderableConcentration
29 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.qty ItemDoseQuantity = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseQuantity
30 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.tot ItemDoseTotal = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseTotal
31 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.rte ItemDoseRate = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseRate
32 id.n.g.itm.dos.ord = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.ord ItemDoseOrder = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseOrder
33 id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.qty.adj ItemDoseQuantityAdjust = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseQuantityAdjust
34 id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.tot.adj ItemDoseTotalAdjust = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseTotalAdjust
35 id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.rte.adj ItemDoseRateAdjust = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseRateAdjust
36 id.n.g.itm.dos.ord.adj = id.n.g.itm.cnv x id.n.g.itm.dos.ord.adj ItemDoseOrderAdjust = ItemUnitGroupConversionFactor x ItemDoseOrderAdjust
37 id.n.cmp.orb.qty = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.qty ComponentOrderableQuantity = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableQuantity
38 id.n.cmp.orb.qty = id.n.cmp.qty x id.n.cmp.orb.cnt ComponentOrderableQuantity = ComponentQuantity x ComponentOrderableCount
39 id.n.cmp.ord.qty = id.n.cmp.qty x id.n.cmp.ord.cnt ComponentOrderQuantity = ComponentQuantity x ComponentOrderCount
40 id.n.cmp.ord.qty = id.n.cmp.dos.tot x id.ord.time ComponentOrderQuantity = ComponentDoseTotal x OrderTime
41 id.n.cmp.ord.qty = id.n.cmp.dos.rte x id.ord.time ComponentOrderQuantity = ComponentDoseRate x OrderTime
42 id.n.cmp.dos.qty = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.qty ComponentDoseQuantity = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseQuantity
43 id.n.cmp.dos.qty = id.n.cmp.dos.rte x pres.time ComponentDoseQuantity = ComponentDoseRate x PrescriptionTime
44 id.n.cmp.dos.qty = id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj x id.ord.adj ComponentDoseQuantity = ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust x OrderAdjust
45 id.n.cmp.dos.tot = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.tot ComponentDoseTotal = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseTotal
46 id.n.cmp.dos.tot = id.n.cmp.dos.qty x pres.freq ComponentDoseTotal = ComponentDoseQuantity x PrescriptionFrequency
47 id.n.cmp.dos.tot = id.n.cmp.dos.tot.adj x id.ord.adj ComponentDoseTotal = ComponentDoseTotalAdjust x OrderAdjust
48 id.n.cmp.dos.rte = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.rte ComponentDoseRate = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseRate
49 id.n.cmp.dos.rte = id.n.cmp.dos.rte.adj x id.ord.adj ComponentDoseRate = ComponentDoseRateAdjust x OrderAdjust
50 id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.qty.adj ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseQuantityAdjust
51 id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj = id.n.cmp.dos.rte.adj x pres.time ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust = ComponentDoseRateAdjust x PrescriptionTime
52 id.n.cmp.dos.tot.adj = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.tot.adj ComponentDoseTotalAdjust = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseTotalAdjust
53 id.n.cmp.dos.tot.adj = id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj x pres.freq ComponentDoseTotalAdjust = ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust x PrescriptionFrequency
54 id.n.cmp.dos.rte.adj = id.n.cmp.orb.cnc x id.orb.dos.rte.adj ComponentDoseRateAdjust = ComponentOrderableConcentration x OrderableDoseRateAdjust
55 id.orb.ord.qty = id.ord.cnt x id.orb.qty OrderableOrderQuantity = OrderableOrderCount x OrderableQuantity
56 id.orb.ord.qty = id.orb.dos.tot x id.ord.time OrderableOrderQuantity = OrderableDoseTotal x OrderTime
57 id.orb.ord.qty = id.orb.dos.rte x id.ord.time OrderableOrderQuantity = OrderableDoseRate x OrderTime
58 id.orb.dos.qty = id.orb.dos.rte x pres.time OrderableDoseQuantity = OrderableDoseRate x PrescriptionTime
59 id.orb.dos.qty = id.orb.dos.qty.adj x id.ord.adj OrderableDoseQuantity = OrderableQuantityAdjust x OrderAdjust
60 id.orb.dos.tot = id.orb.dos.qty x pres.freq OrderableDoseTotal = OrderableDoseQuantity x PrescriptionFrequency
61 id.orb.dos.tot = id.orb.dos.tot.adj x id.ord.adj OrderableDoseTotal = OrderableDoseTotalAdjust x OrderAdjust
62 id.orb.dos.rte = id.orb.dos.rte.adj x id.ord.adj OrderableDoseRate = OrderableDoseRateAdjust x OrderAdjust
63 id.orb.dos.qty.adj = id.orb.dos.rte.adj x pres.time OrderableDoseQuantityAdjust = OrderableDoseRateAdjust x PrescriptionTime
64 id.orb.dos.tot.adj = id.orb.dos.qty.adj x pres.freq OrderableDoseTotalAdjust = OrderableDoseQuantityAdust x PrescriptionFrequency
65 id.orb.qty = sum(id.n.cmp.orb.qty) OrderableQuantity = Sum(ComponentOrderableQuantity)
66 id.orb.dos.qty = sum(id.n.cmp.dos.qty) OrderableDoseQuantity = Sum(ComponentDoseQuantity)
67 id.orb.dos.tot = sum(id.n.cmp.dos.tot) OrderableDoseTotal = Sum(ComponentDoseTotal)
68 id.orb.dos.rte = sum(id.n.cmp.dos.rte) OrderableDoseRate = Sum(ComponentDoseRate)
69 id.orb.dos.qty.adj = sum(id.n.cmp.dos.qty.adj) OrderableDoseQuantityAdjust = Sum(ComponentDoseQuantityAdjust)
70 id.orb.dos.tot.adj = sum(id.n.cmp.dos.tot.adj) OrderableDoseTotalAdjust = Sum(ComponentDoseTotalAdjust)
71 id.orb.dos.rte.adj = sum(id.n.cmp.dos.rte.adj) OrderableDoseRateAdjust = Sum(ComponentDoseRateAdjust)
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