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edit wiki

Rubén de Celis Hernández edited this page Oct 20, 2016 · 1 revision

Edit Wiki sections

To edit wiki section you can go to Wiki and edit pages using markdown syntax. You can download directly wiki files cloning this address:

You have a reference with supported syntax here:

If you need a guide to use markdown, check this cheatsheet:

If you want a online markdown editor you can use StackEdit:

If you prefer local editors, you have a lot of options:

Why use Markdown

Markdown is very easy to use and it is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML and many other formats like PDF, DOCX, etc...

How to compile with Pandoc

Pandoc a markdown compiler with multiple options to customize your documents:

You have an Online website to try it:

If you want to install Pandoc:

You also can use it with CMake:

Multiples demos are online in pandoc website:

Clone this wiki locally