####A Map Reduce framework####
Checkout my blog to know more about the framework:
To test Map Reduce Algorithms on C++
Learn more about Ashyncronous Network Programming
Get Familiar with LINUX system calls
###To Start Using MapReduce Algorithm with Multiple Clients###
1> In MapReduce.cpp
Modify #PATH: Temporary and Output Files are Stored Here
2> Modify the appropriate Task Name and Input File.
3> Compile the code.
./server \<port Number>
./tcli \<server address> \<server port>
CMD: start wordcount
It does wordcount for the linux dictionary file
(The input file is configurable)
./client \<server address> \<server port> \<groupId>
You can run multiple clients either on the same or different Machine.
###To add Custom Task:###
Look for sample task(wordcount) in MapReduce.cpp
Both MAP and REDUCE Functions for a particular task has to be coded.
Specify the input file, and task name
###To Do:###
1> Make Interface of CLI more user friendly
2> Add more sample task, that can be performed and scaled with this framework
3> Consider the possibility fo Implementing Table Join with the current framework
4> Improve on the current Implementation to support Hadoop like framework in C++