This is the cardano-shell
project. This project uses Github issues
for tracking the project progress.
This "node shell" is a thin layer of functionality surrounding the node. It's a thin layer which brings all the other modules working together and makes sure that they have the required resources (configuration, exception handling, monitoring, logging, ...).
From the top level, the "node shell" contains some of the following:
- startup initialization
- configuration loading
- process monitoring
Some of it responsibilities are the cross-cutting concerns like:
- logging
- monitoring
- configuration
- exception handling
- launcher (it's related to startup, but we need to simplify it if possible)
For example, we can see some of the modules cardano-shell
- network layer
- blockchain layer
- ledger layer
- logging layer
- monitoring layer
- wallet (backend) layer
Any module that requires a substantial amount of logging or monitoring,
should provide such resources iself. For example, 1 thread per module
should be enough from the point of view of cardano-shell
. If, for
example, network
module requires 5 threads, it should provide such
resources itself.
For serving the module functionality, we can use withAsync
top-level calls which is resource/exception safe. The option left for
discussion is whether we should have a need for a restart on a
For more info about the architecture, please take a look at here. For more info about the launcher, please take a look at here.
For example, we can get a chain generator to try to integrate with
logging output and cardano-shell
should be a piece of code that
glues them together, providing a very simple (random) chain generation
and it's output. We need to remove a lot of things that are there in the
old version. For example, the Servant API.
Core seems to be split into:
- blockchain
- ledger
Currently, the (relevant) team structure seems to be:
- networking - Duncan
- core - Eric
- logging & monitoring - Alexander
You can build the project using Stack or Nix.
stack build --fast
stack build --fast --nix
Or enable the option for nix building in your local configuration for Stack.
There is an option of using just Cabal + Nix as well - use a small
utility script (watch out, it's a dot before the cabal
!) and work as
you would usually if you develop with cabal:
./cabal new-build
Adding new dependencies can be easy with, for example:
cabal2nix --revision "2d6624af423d0a5c7ced6f3ae465eaaeb4ec739e" > cardano-prelude.nix
You can install multiple tools that can help you, there are configs for these tools in the project repo:
stack install hindent stack install stylish-haskell stack install hsimport stack install hdevtools
You can generate a coverage report for the entire project like so:
nix-build -A cardanoShellHaskellPackages.projectCoverageReport --arg config "{ haskellNix = { coverage = true; }; }"
or for each package like this:
nix-build -A cardanoShellHaskellPackages.cardano-shell.coverageReport --arg config "{ haskellNix = { coverage = true; }; }" nix-build -A cardanoShellHaskellPackages.cardano-launcher.coverageReport --arg config "{ haskellNix = { coverage = true; }; }"
The CI is currently configured to upload a project coverage report to a coverage web service. It does this using the script provided by:
$(nix-build -A uploadCoverallsScript --arg config "{ haskellNix = { coverage = true; }; }")/bin/