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[CBR-464] Make sure we throw correct UtxoExhausted when needed
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Note that this revert a few things introduced in #3704 & #3672.
We moved the zero-output check from divvyFee to its callers as it
makes more sense. Also, with the introduction of `Maybe` in the
`PickUtxo` signature, we can remove the corner-case check for
empty UTxO which now correctly get caught by layers below.
  • Loading branch information
KtorZ committed Oct 9, 2018
1 parent 223c593 commit ab865c3
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Showing 8 changed files with 77 additions and 85 deletions.
51 changes: 19 additions & 32 deletions integration/TransactionSpecs.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,36 +171,20 @@ transactionSpecs wRef wc = beforeAll_ (setupLogging "wallet-new_transactionSpecs
<> " error, got: "
<> show err

randomTest "fails if you spend more money than your available balance" 1 $ do
wallet <- run $ sampleWallet wRef wc
(toAcct, toAddr) <- run $ firstAccountAndId wc wallet

let payment = Payment
{ pmtSource = PaymentSource
{ psWalletId = walId wallet
, psAccountIndex = accIndex toAcct
, pmtDestinations = pure PaymentDistribution
{ pdAddress = addrId toAddr
, pdAmount = tooMuchCash (accAmount toAcct)
, pmtGroupingPolicy = Nothing
, pmtSpendingPassword = Nothing
tooMuchCash (V1 c) = V1 (Core.mkCoin (Core.getCoin c * 2))
etxn <- run $ postTransaction wc payment
err <- liftIO (etxn `shouldPrism` _Left)
case err of
ClientWalletError (NotEnoughMoney (ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient _)) ->
return ()
randomTest "fails if you don't have any money" 1 $ run $ do
(wallet, account) <- fixtureWallet Nothing
resp <- makePayment (Core.mkCoin 14) (wallet, account) =<< getRandomAddress
let err = NotEnoughMoney (ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient 0)
expectFailure (ClientWalletError err) resp

_ ->
liftIO $ expectationFailure $
"Expected 'NotEnoughMoney ~ ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient', got: "
<> show err
randomTest "fails if you spend more money than your available balance" 1 $ run $ do
(wallet, account) <- fixtureWallet (Just $ Core.mkCoin 42)
resp <- makePayment (Core.mkCoin 10000) (wallet, account) =<< getRandomAddress
let err = NotEnoughMoney (ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient 42)
expectFailure (ClientWalletError err) resp

randomTest "fails if you can't cover fee with a transaction" 1 $ run $ do
(wallet, account) <- fixtureWallet (Core.mkCoin 42)
(wallet, account) <- fixtureWallet (Just $ Core.mkCoin 42)
resp <- makePayment (Core.mkCoin 42) (wallet, account) =<< getRandomAddress
let err = NotEnoughMoney ErrCannotCoverFee
expectFailure (ClientWalletError err) resp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -277,15 +261,18 @@ transactionSpecs wRef wc = beforeAll_ (setupLogging "wallet-new_transactionSpecs
return (unV1 $ addrId toAddr)

:: Core.Coin
:: Maybe Core.Coin
-> IO (Wallet, Account)
fixtureWallet coin = do
fixtureWallet mcoin = do
genesis <- genesisWallet wc
(genesisAccount, _) <- firstAccountAndId wc genesis
wallet <- randomWallet CreateWallet >>= createWalletCheck wc
(account, address) <- firstAccountAndId wc wallet
txn <- makePayment coin (genesis, genesisAccount) (unV1 $ addrId address) >>= shouldPrismFlipped _Right
pollTransactions wc (walId wallet) (accIndex account) (txId txn)
case mcoin of
Nothing -> return ()
Just coin -> do
txn <- makePayment coin (genesis, genesisAccount) (unV1 $ addrId address) >>= shouldPrismFlipped _Right
pollTransactions wc (walId wallet) (accIndex account) (txId txn)
return (wallet, account)

Expand All @@ -295,4 +282,4 @@ transactionSpecs wRef wc = beforeAll_ (setupLogging "wallet-new_transactionSpecs
-> IO ()
expectFailure want eresp = do
resp <- eresp `shouldPrism` _Left
want `shouldBe` resp
resp `shouldBe` want
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Cardano/Wallet/API/V1/ReifyWalletError.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Formatting (build, sformat)
import Universum

import qualified Data.Char as C
import Pos.Core (decodeTextAddress)

import Cardano.Wallet.API.V1.Types (V1 (..))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,7 +268,8 @@ newTransactionError e = case e of

ex@(CoinSelHardErrUtxoExhausted balance _payment) ->
case (readMaybe $ T.unpack balance) of
-- NOTE balance & payment are "prettified" coins representation (e.g. "42 coin(s)")
case (readMaybe $ T.unpack $ T.dropWhileEnd (not . C.isDigit) balance) of
Just coin ->
V1.NotEnoughMoney (V1.ErrAvailableBalanceIsInsufficient coin)
Nothing ->
Expand Down
14 changes: 9 additions & 5 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/Kernel/CoinSelection/FromGeneric.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -238,8 +238,12 @@ repack (txIn, aux) = (Core.toaOut aux, txIn)

-- | Pick an element from the UTxO to cover any remaining fee
type PickUtxo m = Core.Coin -- ^ Fee to still cover
-> CoinSelT Core.Utxo CoinSelHardErr m (Maybe (Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux))
-- NOTE: This cannot fail (as suggested by `forall e.`) but still runs in
-- `CoinSelT` for conveniency; this way, it interfaces quite nicely with other
-- functions.
type PickUtxo m = forall e. Core.Coin -- ^ Fee to still cover
-> CoinSelT Core.Utxo e m (Maybe (Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux))

data CoinSelFinalResult = CoinSelFinalResult {
csrInputs :: NonEmpty (Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -385,9 +389,9 @@ largestFirst opts maxInps =
pickUtxo :: PickUtxo m
pickUtxo val = search . Map.toList =<< get
search :: [(Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux)]
-> CoinSelT Core.Utxo CoinSelHardErr m (Maybe (Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux))
search [] = throwError CoinSelHardErrCannotCoverFee
search :: forall e. [(Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux)]
-> CoinSelT Core.Utxo e m (Maybe (Core.TxIn, Core.TxOutAux))
search [] = return Nothing
search ((i, o):ios)
| Core.txOutValue (Core.toaOut o) >= val = return $ Just (i, o)
| otherwise = search ios
Expand Down
22 changes: 6 additions & 16 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/Kernel/CoinSelection/Generic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -582,28 +582,18 @@ nLargestFromListBy f n = \xs ->

-- | Proportionally divide the fee over each output.
-- There's a special 'edge-case' when the given input is a singleton list
-- with one 0 coin. This is artifically created during input selection when
-- the transaction's amount matches exactly the source's balance.
-- In such case, we can't really compute any ratio for fees and simply return
-- the whole fee back with the given change value.
-- Pre-condition 1: The given outputs list shouldn't be empty
-- Pre-condition 2: None of the outputs should be null
divvyFee :: forall dom a. CoinSelDom dom
=> (a -> Value dom) -> Fee dom -> [a] -> [(Fee dom, a)]
divvyFee _ _ [] = error "divvyFee: empty list"
divvyFee f fee [a] | f a == valueZero = [(fee, a)]
divvyFee f fee as = map (\a -> (feeForOut a, a)) as
divvyFee _ _ [] = error "divvyFee: empty list"
divvyFee f _ as | any ((== valueZero) . f) as = error "divvyFee: some outputs are null"
divvyFee f fee as = map (\a -> (feeForOut a, a)) as
-- All outputs are selected from well-formed UTxO, so their sum cannot
-- overflow
totalOut :: Value dom
totalOut =
total = unsafeValueSum (map f as)
if total == valueZero then
error "divyyFee: invalid set of coins, total is 0"
totalOut = unsafeValueSum (map f as)

-- The ratio will be between 0 and 1 so cannot overflow
feeForOut :: a -> Fee dom
Expand Down
29 changes: 22 additions & 7 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/Kernel/CoinSelection/Generic/Fees.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ feeFromChange :: forall dom. CoinSelDom dom
-> [CoinSelResult dom]
-> ([CoinSelResult dom], Fee dom)
feeFromChange totalFee =
bimap identity unsafeFeeSum
bimap identity unsafeFeeSum
. unzip
. map go
. divvyFee (outVal . coinSelRequest) totalFee
Expand All @@ -143,13 +143,15 @@ feeFromChange totalFee =
-- as unchanged as possible
reduceChangeOutputs :: forall dom. CoinSelDom dom
=> Fee dom -> [Value dom] -> ([Value dom], Fee dom)
reduceChangeOutputs totalFee [] = ([], totalFee)
reduceChangeOutputs totalFee cs =
bimap identity unsafeFeeSum
. unzip
. map go
. divvyFee identity totalFee
$ cs
case divvyFeeSafe identity totalFee cs of
Nothing ->
(cs, totalFee)
Just xs ->
bimap identity unsafeFeeSum
. unzip
. map go
$ xs
-- Reduce single change output, returning remaining fee
go :: (Fee dom, Value dom) -> (Value dom, Fee dom)
Expand All @@ -171,6 +173,19 @@ feeUpperBound FeeOptions{..} css =
numInputs = fromIntegral $ sum (map (sizeToWord . coinSelInputSize) css)
outputs = concatMap coinSelOutputs css

-- | divvy fee across outputs, discarding zero-output if any. Returns `Nothing`
-- when there's no more outputs after filtering, in which case, we just can't
-- divvy fee.
:: forall dom a. CoinSelDom dom
=> (a -> Value dom)
-> Fee dom
-> [a]
-> Maybe [(Fee dom, a)]
divvyFeeSafe f fee as = case filter ((/= valueZero) . f) as of
[] -> Nothing
as' -> Just (divvyFee f fee as')

Expand Down
36 changes: 16 additions & 20 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/Kernel/CoinSelection/Generic/Random.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,23 +33,10 @@ random :: forall utxo m. (MonadRandom m, PickFromUtxo utxo)
-> Word64 -- ^ Maximum number of inputs
-> [Output (Dom utxo)] -- ^ Outputs to include
-> CoinSelT utxo CoinSelHardErr m [CoinSelResult (Dom utxo)]
random privacyMode initMaxNumInputs goals = do
balance <- gets utxoBalance
when (balance == valueZero) $ throwError (errUtxoExhausted balance)
coinSelPerGoal selection initMaxNumInputs goals
random privacyMode = coinSelPerGoal $ \maxNumInputs goal ->
defCoinSelResult goal <$>
inRange maxNumInputs (target privacyMode (outVal goal))
errUtxoExhausted :: Value (Dom utxo) -> CoinSelHardErr
errUtxoExhausted balance = CoinSelHardErrUtxoExhausted
(pretty balance)
(pretty $ unsafeValueSum $ map outVal goals)

:: Word64
-> Output (Dom utxo)
-> CoinSelT utxo CoinSelHardErr m (CoinSelResult (Dom utxo))
selection maxNumInputs goal = defCoinSelResult goal
<$> inRange maxNumInputs (target privacyMode (outVal goal))

target :: PrivacyMode -> Value (Dom utxo) -> TargetRange (Dom utxo)
target PrivacyModeOn val = fromMaybe (target PrivacyModeOff val)
(idealRange val)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,18 +98,27 @@ atLeastNoFallback :: forall utxo m. (PickFromUtxo utxo, MonadRandom m)
=> Word64
-> Value (Dom utxo)
-> CoinSelT utxo CoinSelErr m (SelectedUtxo (Dom utxo))
atLeastNoFallback maxNumInputs targetMin = go emptySelection
atLeastNoFallback maxNumInputs targetMin = do
balance <- gets utxoBalance
go emptySelection balance
go :: SelectedUtxo (Dom utxo)
-> Value (Dom utxo)
-> CoinSelT utxo CoinSelErr m (SelectedUtxo (Dom utxo))
go selected
go selected balance
| sizeToWord (selectedSize selected) > maxNumInputs =
throwError $ CoinSelErrSoft CoinSelSoftErr
| selectedBalance selected >= targetMin =
return selected
| otherwise = do
io <- mapCoinSelErr CoinSelErrHard $ findRandomOutput
go $ select io selected
io <- findRandomOutput >>= maybe (throwError $ errUtxoExhausted balance) return
go (select io selected) balance

errUtxoExhausted :: Value (Dom utxo) -> CoinSelErr
errUtxoExhausted balance =
CoinSelErrHard $ CoinSelHardErrUtxoExhausted
(pretty balance)
(pretty targetMin)

-- | Select random additional inputs with the aim of improving the change amount
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions src/Cardano/Wallet/Kernel/DB/Spec/Read.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,9 +56,7 @@ cpAvailableBalance :: IsCheckpoint c => c -> Core.Coin
cpAvailableBalance c =
fromMaybe subCoinErr balance'
pendingIns = Set.union
(Pending.txIns $ c ^. cpPending)
(Pending.txIns $ c ^. cpForeign)
pendingIns = Pending.txIns $ c ^. cpPending
spentUtxo = Core.utxoRestrictToInputs (c ^. cpUtxo) pendingIns
spentBalance = Core.unsafeIntegerToCoin $ Core.utxoBalance spentUtxo
balance' = Core.subCoin (c ^. cpUtxoBalance) spentBalance
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/unit/Test/Spec/CoinSelection/Generators.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ utxoSmallestEntry utxo =
genPayees :: Core.Utxo -> Pay -> Gen (NonEmpty Core.TxOut)
genPayees utxo payment = do
let balance = toLovelaces payment
halfOfUtxoSmallest = (Core.getCoin $ utxoSmallestEntry utxo) `div` 2
halfOfUtxoSmallest = max 1 $ (Core.getCoin $ utxoSmallestEntry utxo) `div` 2
genTxOut StakeGenOptions {
stakeMaxValue = Just (Core.mkCoin halfOfUtxoSmallest)
, stakeGenerationTarget = AtLeast
Expand Down

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