Social graph network of your Instagram account.
Another branch named as 'sigma' is ready to use. Master branch is using neo4j
as graph database.
You have to run neo4j on your system. You can use docker to use neo4j with following code:
$ docker run -p 7474:7474 -p 7687:7687 neo4j:3.0
$ # connection string of neo4j will be something like this:
$ # bolt://neo4j:neo4j@neo4j:7687
$ # If you have Golang on your computer.
$ go get -u
$ git clone
$ cd instagraph
$ go build -i -o instagraph
Please make sure that the <username>.json
is in the safe place. It's your login information of your Instagram.
$ docker pull ahmdrz/instagraph:latest
$ docker run -e INSTAGRAPH_USERNAME="" -e INSTAGRAPH_PASSWORD="" -e INSTAGRAPH_NEO_ADDR="" ahmdrz/instagraph:latest
Powered with ❤️ by neo4j
and ahmdrz/goinsta