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Keystone is a web client for the ARCH (Archives Research Compute Hub) job server.

Run Keystone & ARCH using Docker

Note that the following features are only available in the hosted version at:

  • Google Colab integration
  • Dataset publication to


Build and Run the Docker Image

1. Build the images
make build-images
2. Run the services
docker compose up
3. Surf on over to http://localhost:12342
4. Log in

Log in as one of the three user types that dev/ created for you:

  • Superuser: username: system password: password
  • Admin: username: admin password: password
  • Normal: username: test password: password

The "arch-shared" Directory

The build-images Make target will create a local arch-shared subdirectory that will be mounted within both the running Keystone and ARCH containers to serve as the storage destination for ARCH outputs, and as a place to add your own custom collections of WARCs for analysis.

The arch-shared directory has the structure:

├── in
│   └── collections
├── log
└── out
    ├── custom-collections
    └── datasets

These subdirectories are utilized as follows:

  • log
    • ARCH job logs
  • out/custom-collections
    • ARCH Custom Collection output files
  • out/datasets
    • ARCH Dataset output files
  • in/collections
    • A place to make your own WARCs available to ARCH as inputs - see "Analyze Your WARCs" below
Analyze Your WARCs

For each group of WARCs that you'd like to analyze as a collection:

  1. Create a new subdirectory within arch-shared/in/collections with a descriptive kebab-case style name like my-test-collection and copy your *.warc.gz into it, e.g.
└── in
    └── collections
        └── my-test-collection
            └── ARCHIVEIT-22994-CRAWL_SELECTED_SEEDS-JOB1965703-SEED3267421-h3.warc.gz
  1. Restart both the Keystone and ARCH containers
docker compose restart keystone arch
  1. Your new collection will now be visibile in Keystone (e.g. as My Test Collection)