Wordle game - home grown and like a typewriter ~/:::/º
Very similar to https://www.nytimes.com/games/wordle
but all hand-made.
( sleep 3; open http://localhost:8080 & )
deno run --allow-net --allow-read --allow-env https://deno.land/std/http/file_server.ts -p8080
has been having reliablity issues, so using pre-built, import
version from offshoot project
- xxx pre-bake 5.8y of games, repeat loop, with daily "best of 3"
# 6438 five-letter words from SCOWL:
wget -qO- https://gitlab.com/internetarchive/word-salad/-/raw/main/words-scowl.txt \
|fgrep -A1000000 -- --- \
|fgrep -v -- --- \
|tr A-Z a-z \
|egrep '^.....$' \
|fgrep -v "'" \
|sort -u -o words.txt
# insert-able into index.js
cat words.txt |perl -ne 'chop; print " \x27$_\x27,\n";'
bootstrap.min.css was saved locally from: https://esm.archive.org/bootstrap@5.1.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css to enable full offline mode