A simple Kerberos (+LDAP) server on top of the ApacheDS directory service. Just for testing and playing with the protocols.
Launch the generated JAR file. You can put LDIF files as the program arguments:
Usage: java -jar kerberos-server.jar [options] [LDIFs to import]
--admin-password, -ap
changes password for account 'uid=admin,ou=system' (default password is
--allow-anonymous, -a
allows anonymous bind to the LDAP server
Default: false
--bind, -b
takes [bindAddress] as a parameter and binds the servers on the address
--disable-replay-cache, -drc
disables replay cache in KDC
Default: false
--generate-krb5-conf, -c
takes [krb5.conf] file path as argument and generates the content during
KDC start
--help, -h
shows this help and exits
--kerberos-port, -kp
takes KDC [port] number as argument
Default: 6088
--kerberos-realm, -kr
takes the Kerberos [REALM.NAME] as argument
--ldap-port, -lp
takes [portNumber] as a parameter and binds the LDAP server on that port
Default: 10389
--ldap-tls-ciphersuite, -ltc
takes [cipherSuite] as argument and enables it for 'ldaps'. Can be used
multiple times.
--ldap-tls-mutual, -ltm
enables TLS mutual authetntication for ldaps protocol
Default: false
--ldap-tls-port, -ltp
adds TLS transport layer (i.e. 'ldaps' protocol). It takes [portNumber]
as a parameter and binds the LDAPs server on the port
--ldap-tls-protocol, -ltl
takes [protocolName] as argument and enables it for 'ldaps'. Can be used
multiple times.
--ldaps-keystore-file, -lkf
takes keystore [filePath] as argument. The keystore should contain
privateKey to be used by LDAPs
--ldaps-keystore-password, -lkp
takes LDAPs keystore [password] as argument
The program can take LDIF files as arguments. The following placeholders are supported in the ldif:
- Kerberos realm name${host}
- bind address ( is used when wildcard address is used;${canonicalhost}
canonical version of the host.
If no LDIF file argument is provided, the default LDIF
) is used.
The project contains a simple Kerberos keytab generator:
$ java -classpath target/kerberos-server.jar com.github.kwart.kerberos.CreateKeytab
Kerberos keytab generator
java -classpath target/kerberos-server.jar com.github.kwart.kerberos.CreateKeytab <principalName> <passPhrase> [<principalName2> <passPhrase2> ...] <outputKeytabFile>
$ java -classpath target/kerberos-server.jar com.github.kwart.kerberos.CreateKeytab HTTP/localhost@KERBEROS.EXAMPLE httppwd http.keytab
$ java -classpath target/kerberos-server.jar com.github.kwart.kerberos.CreateKeytab remote/localhost@KERBEROS.EXAMPLE remotepwd remote.keytab
Keytab file was created: /home/kwart/kerberos-tests/http.keytab