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Getting Started

Brent Keath edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 11 revisions

Here are some basic instructions to get your machine started with Jitsi meet!

Learning About Jitsi Meet

There is a lot to know about Jitsi Meet. I recommend the following resources to help understand the technologies that power Jitsi and how they all work together to make everything run behind the scenes:

Understanding How to Peer-to-Peer Functionality Works

WebRTC Crash Course

Troubleshooting Jitsi Issues

Use the following command in the command line to get JSON about how Jitsi is running:

curl http://localhost:8888/stats

Configuring the Virtual Machine to Setup an Environment to Test

  1. Setup a virtual server (using whatever platform makes sense; VMWare, VirtualBox, or Hyper-V would all work for this)

  2. Install Ubuntu on the virtual machine

  3. Follow these instructions to setup Jitsi meet on your new virtual machine.

  4. If using VirtualBox you will need to use a Bridged Adapter (go to VirtualBox > Machine > Settings > Network) so that the machine can communicate to both the internet and the host machine. If using a different method to create and connect to a virtual machine, you will need to make sure the networking is setup to allow connections to both the internet and the host machine.

  5. Setup Git and pull down the appropriate branch from the Jitsi Meet Project using the following two commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install git

  6. Pull down and run the latest Jitsi Meet code from GitHub: git clone

  7. Start running the Jitsi Meet application from your virtual machine: cd jitsi-meet npm install make

  8. Open Firefox and make sure the domain you set up in step 3 now shows the homepage for Intulse Meetings

  9. Modify the "hosts" file on your host machine (the one you are using to access the virtual machine). You can find this file at "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc". Once you open the file in a text editor, add the virtual machine IP address and the domain name that you specified in step 3 to the list. You can find the IP address on the virtual machine using:

ip a

  1. Pull the latest code down on your host machine and run the following:
    • In VSCode run:
      • IntulseMeetings (accessible using the Workspace)
      • DashboardApp (accessible using the Workspace)
    • In Visual Studio run:
      • DashboardServer (when running, make sure you use the DashboardServer instance NOT IIS)
      • (when running, make sure you use the instance NOT IIS)

Setting Up Your Development Environment

The Jitsi Meet project uses React so it is easiest to setup your Visual Studio Code environment to recognize and give tooltips related to React. In order to do this you must:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code

  2. Open the Jitsi Meet project (File > Open Folder...)

  3. Open the Extensions window (View > Extensions)

  4. Search for Babel Javascript and install it

  5. Click the gear icon next to "TSLint" and click "Disable (Workspace)"

  6. In the search bar, search for "@builtin TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features"

  7. Disable TypeScript and JavaScript Language Features

  8. Restart Visual Studio Code