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Repository files navigation

This is the web app, a fast, smart, and interactive parser for academic references and bibliographies.

See anystyle for more details.

Roadmap / Wishlist

  • Upload PDFs for reference extraction
  • Re-format parsed references with any CSL style
  • Improve integration with Zotero

Development Quickstart

$ ruby -v
# ruby 3.2.2

# Install RubyGems
$ bundle install

# Set your credentials and generate config/master.key
$ ./bin/rails credentials:edit

# Create dev database
$ ./bin/rake db:create
$ ./bin/rake db:schema:load

# Make sure tests are green!
$ ./bin/rake test

# Start dev server and (optionally) worker
$ ./bin/rails s
$ ./bin/rake jobs:work

Using the Staging Box

# You may want to edit Vagrantfile first!
$ vagrant up

# Set your credentials and generate config/master.key (if you haven't yet)
$ ./bin/rails credentials:edit

# Initial deployment...
$ bundle exec cap staging deploy:check
$ bundle exec cap staging deploy

# Enable the anystyle services in the staging box
$ vagrant ssh
v sudo systemctl enable --now anystyle.service
v sudo systemctl enable --now anystyle-worker.service

# Open in your Browser!

Roll Your Own

You can deploy the web-app to your own server! The provisoning scripts and the sample server config files illustrate all the necessary setup.


Copyright 2013-2024 Sylvester Keil and Johannes Krtek. All rights reserved. is distributed under the GNU Affero General Public License. See LICENSE for details.