🧩Description: "Twixt With a Twist!" is a strategic two-player board game developed for the Modern Elements of C++ course at UniTBv. The project leverages C++ and Qt for a seamless gaming experience. The main objective is to connect your designated bases using pegs and bridges, applying strategic planning to outmaneuver your opponent.
- Interactive Gameplay: Players place pegs and create or delete bridges to connect their bases.
- Dynamic Turn System: Includes an option for players to switch roles after the first turn.
- Customizable Game Board: Players can configure board size and the number of pegs and bridges.
- Save and Load Functionality: Save your game progress and load it anytime.
- Game Status and Piece Counter: Real-time updates on the game status and remaining pieces.
-Game Status Panel:
- Current Status: Displays PLAYING, WON BY RED, WON BY BLACK, or DRAW.
- Current Turn: Indicates whose turn it is.
-Button Section:
- SWITCH TURN: Switches the turn between players.
- SAVE GAME: Saves the current game state.
- LOAD GAME: Loads a previously saved game.
-Game Setup Panel:
- Customization: Set board size (5-25)
- Game Setup
-Message Panel:
- Tips and Warnings: Displays useful messages for players.
- ioanTeulea: Teulea Ioan-Octavian
- Gabi076: Gabriel Titescu
- 19Andi: Andi Titescu
- DorinUscoiu1: Dorin Uscoiu