Installation of Ioncore Raspberry PI
Install Pre-Built System
Download the current image from
1 - Windows Install
A) Download rufus (or similar SD writing software) rufus can be downloaded from
B) insert your SD Card (16 GB or Larger, Class 6 or better) into an
unused sd/usb (with an adapter) slot
C) double click on your chosen writing tool and follow the instructions to install
(Rufus shown below)
D) remove the SD Card replace in your RPI system and reboot.
2 - Linux/OSX Install
A) mkusb
i) install mkusb for your system using the appropriate package manager.
ii) insert your SD Card (16 GB or Larger, Class 6 or better) into an unused sd/usb (with an adapter) slot
iii) start mkusb and select the ionian-ioncore-rpi.<version>.img.xz file that you downloaded and follow the instructions.
iv) once mkusb has finished you can remove the SD Card replace in your RPI system and reboot (note: first boot will take a few minutes to configure the swap file and Ionian user environment).
B) Using DD from the CLI
i) insert your SD Card (16 GB or Larger, Class 6 or better) into an unused sd/usb (with an adapter) slot
ii) Enter the following command at the CLI prompt in the directory you downloaded the USB image into
"sudo xzcat ionian-ioncore-rpi.<version>.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4096 status=progress"
(where X is the letter of your SD Card)
iii) once dd has finished you can remove the SD Card replace in your RPI and reboot
User: pi
Pass: raspberry