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Implement the Identity Agent #322

merged 270 commits into from
Jun 23, 2022

Implement the Identity Agent #322

merged 270 commits into from
Jun 23, 2022


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@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter commented Jul 20, 2021

Description of change

The identity agent is a peer-to-peer communication framework for building SSI agents on IOTA Identity. It is intended to host implementations of the DIDComm protocols with future updates. Together with these protocols, this will, for example, allow for did-authenticated communication between two identities to exchange verifiable credentials or presentations.

This description serves as a technical introduction to the agent. For a high-level and less technical introduction, see the blog post on the agent (formerly known as identity actor).

The most important dependency of the agent is libp2p. What is libp2p?

The one-liner pitch is that libp2p is a modular system of protocols, specifications and libraries that enable the development of peer-to-peer network applications.

We use libp2p because it can easily secure transports using the noise protocol, is agnostic of transports so agents could conceivably communicate over TCP, websockets or Bluetooth, and because of how flexible it is, we can make it suit the agent nicely.

Building an agent

let id_keys: IdentityKeypair = IdentityKeypair::generate_ed25519();
let addr: Multiaddr = "/ip4/".parse()?;

let mut agent: Agent = AgentBuilder::new()


To build a minimal working agent, we generate a new IdentityKeypair from which the AgentId of the agent is derived. The AgentId is an alias for a libp2p::PeerId, which allows for cryptographically verifiable identification of a peer. This decouples the identity concept from the underlying network address, which is important if the agent roams across networks. If we want the agent to have the same AgentId across program executions, we need to store this keypair. Next we create the address for the agent to listen on. A Multiaddr is the address format in libp2p to encode addresses of various transports. Finally, we build the agent with a default transport, that supports DNS resolution and can use TCP or websockets.

Processing incoming requests

To make the agent do something useful, we need handlers. A handler is some state with associated behavior that processes incoming requests. It will be invoked if the agent is able to deserialize the incoming request to the type the handler expects. The Handler is a trait that looks like this:

pub trait Handler<REQ: HandlerRequest>: Debug + 'static {
  async fn handle(&self, request: RequestContext<REQ>) -> REQ::Response;
  • It takes &self so it can modify its state, through appropriate mechanisms, such as locks. A handler will thus typically implement a shallow copy mechanism (e.g. using Arc) to share state.
  • It takes the request it wants to handle, which needs to implement the HandlerRequest trait and needs to return the defined response type.
  • This trait can be implemented multiple times so the same handler can process different request types.

Here is an example of a handler being attached on an AgentBuilder. We implement RemoteAccounts, an exemplary type that manages Accounts remotely.

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum RemoteAccountsError {

/// The struct that will be sent over the network.
/// When received by an agent, the contained DID is looked up.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RemoteAccountsGet(pub IotaDID);

impl HandlerRequest for RemoteAccountsGet {
  /// The result of the lookup procedure, either the corresponding IotaDocument, or an error.
  type Response = Result<IotaDocument, RemoteAccountsError>;

  /// `Endpoint`s are identifiers for requests which lets the remote agent determine the appropriate handler to invoke.
  fn endpoint() -> Endpoint {

/// Our thread-safe type that holds accounts that can be looked up by their DID.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct RemoteAccounts {
  accounts: Arc<dashmap::DashMap<IotaDID, Account>>,

impl Handler<RemoteAccountsGet> for RemoteAccounts {
  /// To handle the request, we take the HandlerRequest type wrapped in a RequestContext, which provides some
  /// useful information about the caller like their `AgentId`.
  async fn handle(&self, request: RequestContext<RemoteAccountsGet>) -> Result<IotaDocument, RemoteAccountsError> {
      .map(|account| account.document().to_owned())

/// To build the agent with our custom functionality, we first build the agent itself
/// and attach the handler.
async fn build_agent() {
  let mut builder = AgentBuilder::new();

An agent that receives a request will check whether a handler is attached that can handle the request's Endpoint and if so, will invoke it. In our case, the agent will call the handle function of the handler when a RemoteAccountsGet request is received. If we wanted, we could attach more handlers to the same agent, and even implement Handler for RemoteAccounts multiple times, in order to handle different request types.

Sending requests

To invoke a handler on a remote agent, we send a type that implements HandlerRequest, such as RemoteAccountsGet.

let mut agent: Agent =;

agent.add_agent_address(remote_agent_id, addr).await?;

let result: Result<IotaDocument, RemoteAccountsError> = agent
  .send_request(remote_agent_id, RemoteAccountsGet("did:iota:...".parse()?))

After building the agent and adding the address of the remote agent, we can send a request. The agent takes care of serializing the request, and attempts to deserialize the response into <RemoteAccountsGet as HandlerRequest>::Response.

Agent modes

We've just seen an example of a synchronous request, one where we invoke a handler on a remote agent and wait for it to finish execution and return a result. Next to the Agent type we also have a DidCommAgent type. The latter additionally supports an asynchronous mode, where we send a request without waiting for the result of the handler invocation. Instead, we can explicitly await a request:

async fn didcomm_protocol(agent_id: AgentId, didcomm_agent: &DidCommAgent) -> AgentResult<()> {
  let thread_id: ThreadId = ThreadId::new();

    .send_didcomm_request(agent_id, &thread_id, PresentationOffer::default())

  let request: DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest> = didcomm_agent.await_didcomm_request(&thread_id).await?;


This request mode is implemented to support the implementation of DIDComm protocols, which is why a separate DidCommAgent is defined that extends the Agents functionality and handles the specifics of DIDComm. Note that the base Agent doesn't support the asynchronous mode, but the DidCommAgent supports the sychronous mode.

Here, the protocol expects us to first send a PresentationOffer request to the remote agent. This method call returns successfully if the request can be deserialized properly and if an appropriate handler exists on the remote agent, but the call might return before the handler on the remote has finished. According to the protocol we implement, we should expect the remote to send us a PresentationRequest so we explicitly call await_didcomm_request to await the incoming request on the same ThreadId that we sent our previous request on. This allows for imperative protocol implementations within a single handler. This is nice to have, because the alternative would be that each request invokes a separate handler in an agent, which would force protocol implementors to hold the state in some shared state, rather than implicitly in the function (such as the thread_id here). This setup is intended for DIDComm protocols, as it directly implements DIDComm concepts such as threads.


While the asynchronous mode of operation allows for implementation of DIDComm protocols, it does not yet allow users to hook in their own logic. This might be required to ask a user for consent before proceeding with the exchange of a credential.

Hooks are no longer part of this PR, and will be implemented later. The hook approaches thus far were unsatisfactory, but we keep the original text for reference.

Previous text To that end, the `DidCommActor` has the concept of hooks, which are similar to handlers. There are various approaches to hooks:
  • Explicit hooks: The protocol defines the hooks explicitly within the protocol. This is complementary to the implicit approach.
  • Hook closures: The function that implements an async mode protocol takes hooks as explicit closure arguments. The actor itself has no concept of hooks in this model.
  • Hook trait: Similar to the closures approach, but defining all hooks as methods on a trait and requiring users to implement that trait.

The actor currently implements the implicit hooks approach, mostly as an exploratory option, not necessarily because it was deemed the best one. Suppose we want to insert custom logic before await_didcomm_request returns the PresentationRequest in the above eample. One registers a hook like so:

async fn receive_presentation_request_hook(
    state: HookState,
    _actor: DidCommActor,
    req: RequestContext<DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest>>,
) -> StdResult<DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest>, DidCommTermination> {
    // Custom logic, like modifying the input or obtaining user consent.


The signature of a hook function is very similar to a handler, except for its return type. It needs to return the same type that it received as input or an instruction for the actor to terminate the connection. The endpoint of a hook includes the /hook postfix, and indicates to the actor that this hook should be called either before an HandlerRequest with a didcomm/presentation_request endpoint is sent, or before it is returned from await_didcomm_request, as is the case in this example.


The limitation of this hook implementation is thus that the user can only insert custom logic in between network requests, but not at arbitrary points in the protocol. With the current implementation (and some small modifications), it would also be possible to allow protocol implementors to define arbitrary hook points and call them.

In theory hooks can be attached to the same state as a handler, so they can access and modify the handlers state. However, in practice we will likely have a function that adds certain protocol handlers to an ActorBuilder and a user will add their hooks at other points. At this point, however, the ephemeral HandlerBuilder will have gone out of scope and no more typing guarantees could be given that a hook uses the same state object as a handler, e.g. there could be an incompatibility. Because of this lack of typing guarantees, it is currently not possible at all to attach a hook to some previously added state, as it seems very error-prone.

An alternative would be to use std::any::TypeId for identification of a state object, so if a handler and a hook take a certain OBJ type as state object, then the actor can determine the TypeId of the object and guarantee internally, that it will be called with the same object. The downside is, that users cannot add two different state objects that have the same TypeId.

Implementation Details

This section goes into some details of agent internals.

The overall architecture can be seen as four layers. A libp2p layer, a commander layer to interact with the libp2p layer, the raw agent layer (which uses the commander) and the DidCommAgent on top. This architecture is strongly inspired by stronghold-p2p.

  • The p2p layer consists of a libp2p::RequestResponse protocol, which enforces on a type level that each request has a response. This naturally maps to the sync mode of the identity agent where each request has some response, as well as to the async mode where each request will be acknowledged.
  • This layer has an EventLoop that concurrently polls the libp2p Swarm to handle its events as well as commands that are sent to it from the NetCommander.
  • The commander layer, or NetCommander communicates with the event loop via channels and is thus the interface for the EventLoop.
  • When the agent is built, it spawns an EventLoop in the background and interacts with it using the NetCommander.
  • On incoming requests, the EventLoop spawns a new task and injects a clone of the agent into it (see EventLoop::run and its argument).


This PR does not add examples to the examples directory. This is mostly due to the instability of the agent. Still, there are two "examples" for each mode of operation as part of the tests module, the remote account as a synchronous example, and the IOTA DIDComm presentation protocol as an asynchronous example (this doesn't implement the actual protocol, it just asserts that requests can be sent back and forth as expected). The DIDComm example in particular is very simple and minimal and mostly exists as a proof of concept for the async mode, but it also serves as an example for how a DIDComm protocol could potentially be implemented.

DIDComm example setup

The async mode didcomm examples are worth explaining a little more. The implementation difficulty for these protocols comes mostly because of how flexible they are. In the presentation protocol for example, both the holder and verifier can initiate the exchange. On the agent level this means either calling the protocol explicitly to initiate it, or attaching a handler to let the agent handle the protocol in the background when a remote agent initiates. Thus, there is one function that implements the actual protocol for each of the roles (i.e. holder and verifier in the presentation protocol). As an example, this is what the signature of the holder role would look like:

pub(crate) async fn presentation_holder_handler(
  mut agent: DidCommAgent,
  agent_id: AgentId,
  request: Option<DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest>>,
) -> AgentResult<()> { ... }

The holder can call this function to initiate the protocol imperatively by passing None as request. On the other hand, if the verifier initiates, the holder defines a handler that will inject the received request:

impl DidCommHandler<DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest>> for DidCommState {
  async fn handle(&self, agent: DidCommAgent, request: RequestContext<DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest>>) {
    let result = presentation_holder_handler(agent, request.agent_id, Some(request.input)).await;

    if let Err(err) = result {
      log::error!("presentation holder handler errored: {err:?}");

and attaches it:

didcomm_builder.attach::<DidCommPlaintextMessage<PresentationRequest>, _>(DidCommState::new());

DidCommState holds the state for one or more DIDComm protocols. When a PresentationRequest is received, it calls the protocol function (presentation_holder_handler) to run through the protocol. This allows us to nicely reuse the presentation_holder_handler function as the core protocol implementation and only requires defining a thin handler method. The verifier can follow the same pattern for their side of the protocol.

DIDComm agent internals

  • In async mode, the DidCommAgent returns an acknowledgment if 1) a handler for the endpoint or a thread exists and 2) if the request can be deserialized into the expected type for the handler or thread (e.g. a DIDComm plaintext message)
  • Timeouts can occur in two ways and both are configured via AgentBuilder::timeout.
    • A request sender can receive an InboundFailure::Timeout if the peer did not respond within the configured timeout. This happens on the event loop level and is handled by the RequestResponse protocol.
    • DidCommAgent::await_didcomm_request can time out. This is the same timeout value as for the underlying RequestResponse protocol. In such a case, the event loop will receive a timeout error, but since no entry in the thread hash map is waiting for a response, it is silently dropped. Thus, await_didcomm_request implements its own timeout, and automatically uses the same duration as the underlying protocol to ensure consistent behaviour. For this reason, the await_didcomm_request timeout is a per-agent configuration value, and not a parameter on the function, although that would also be possible if desired.

Open Questions

  • Should we replace RequestMessage::from_bytes with some serialization that's faster or more compact? For now, it seems good enough to use json. Some crate like rkyv would make the agent potentially less easily portable, if it would ever receive an implementation in a foreign language, while json is highly compatible. How much that downside matters with our single source code of truth approach is debatable. But this particular RequestMessage type is fairly simple anyway, and so the serialization performance gains might not be that significant?
  • Who is responsible for, and when does cleanup of handler state or thread channels happen?

Links to any relevant issues

fixes #299

Type of change

Add an x to the boxes that are relevant to your changes.

  • Bug fix (a non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
  • Enhancement (a non-breaking change which adds functionality)
  • Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
  • Documentation Fix

How the change has been tested

  • A synchronous and asynchronous example implementation was added as remote_account and didcomm respectively.
  • Tests were added in identity-agent/src/tests which use those examples.

Change checklist

Add an x to the boxes that are relevant to your changes.

  • I have followed the contribution guidelines for this project
  • I have performed a self-review of my own code
  • I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
  • I have made corresponding changes to the documentation
  • I have added tests that prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
  • New and existing unit tests pass locally with my changes

@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter self-assigned this Jul 20, 2021
@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter added the Enhancement New feature or improvement to an existing feature label Jul 20, 2021
@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter marked this pull request as draft July 20, 2021 07:16
@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter mentioned this pull request Jul 20, 2021
10 tasks
@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter added Added A new feature that requires a minor release. Part of "Added" section in changelog Rust Related to the core Rust code. Becomes part of the Rust changelog. and removed Enhancement New feature or improvement to an existing feature labels Feb 16, 2022
@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter marked this pull request as ready for review March 7, 2022 17:24
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@olivereanderson olivereanderson left a comment

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This is great,
Thank you for all the extra effort you put in to finding the best possible names, write great documentation and vastly improve the readability of the tests.

As we discussed we may want to change the architecture somewhat in the feature in order to give users more control over performance, but that should be considered after we've merged this (unstable feature) and got some experience working with it (when implementing some DIDComm protocols).

Finally, I left a few comments you may wish to address before merging this.

@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter merged commit 55af406 into dev Jun 23, 2022
@PhilippGackstatter PhilippGackstatter deleted the feat/identity-actor branch June 23, 2022 11:29
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Added A new feature that requires a minor release. Part of "Added" section in changelog Rust Related to the core Rust code. Becomes part of the Rust changelog.

Successfully merging this pull request may close these issues.

[Task] Implement Basic Agent
6 participants