A tool to parse the ROS Graph and dump the result into different styles. The goal of this package is to provide a list of node and their currently available interfaces.
This create a snapshot in a yaml format then finish.
rosrun ros_graph_parser yaml_snaphot -f file_name.yaml
- file_name.yaml: the name of the file. It will be saved in the "result" folder of the ros_graph_parser package (ensure that you have the permission).
This is meant to be runned continually. This node provides a service to be used to acquire a YAML dumped format scan of the ROS Graph rosrun ros_graph_parser ros_node
This provides a service "/scan_ros_graph" of type "ros_graph_parser.Scan". The request is empty and the response contain a boolean, a information for error and the dump of the yaml format in case of success.
This create a java format meant to be used with the ros_model.
rosrun ros_graph_parser java_snapshot ros_model_file ros_system_file system_name package_name
- ros_model_file: name of the file to save the ROS Model
- ros_system_file: name of the file to save the ROS System
- system_name: name of the system (check ros_model syntax)
- package_name" name of the package (check ros_model syntax)
All the files will be saved in the "result" folder of the ros_graph_parser.