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SwiftUI Property Picker

Swift Version Build Status License SPM Compatible

The swiftui-property-picker is a comprehensive SwiftUI package designed to enhance dynamic property selection and application within your SwiftUI views. By leveraging the power of property pickers, you can offer a richer, more interactive user experience that adapts on the fly.


  • Dynamic Property Selection: Enable views to adjust their properties dynamically based on user selection or other criteria.
  • Flexible Configuration: Easily configure property pickers to use state, environment values, or custom binding for dynamic updates.
  • Customizable Presentation Styles: Choose from multiple presentation styles for your pickers, or define your own for full control over the UI.
  • Streamlined Integration: Designed for ease of use, the package can be seamlessly integrated into any SwiftUI project to enhance its dynamic capabilities.


Swift Package Manager

Add swiftui-property-picker to your project by including it in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "3.0.0"))

Then, import swiftui-property-picker in your SwiftUI views to start using it.


The full documentation for swiftui-property-inspector can be found here.


Here's how to get started with the SwiftUI Property Picker:

Basic Usage

To apply a dynamic property picker to a view, use one of the propertyPicker() view modifiers provided by the extension on View. Here are some examples:

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

@available(iOS 16.4, *)
struct ExampleSheet: View {
    // This key keeps a local state
    private var content

    // This key writes the selection value directly in the SwiftUI environment
    @PropertyPicker(\.isEnabled, InteractionKey.self)
    private var interaction

    // This key also writes the selection value directly in the SwiftUI environment
    @PropertyPicker(\.colorScheme, ColorSchemeKey.self)
    private var colorScheme

    @State private var presented = false

    var body: some View {
        PropertyPickerReader(isPresented: $presented) {
            Button {
            } label: {
                switch content {
                case .Image:
                    Image(systemName: "circle")
                case .Text:

enum ContentKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    case Text, Image

enum InteractionKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    static var defaultValue: InteractionKey = .Enabled
    case Disabled, Enabled

    var value: Bool {
        switch self {
        case .Disabled: false
        case .Enabled: true

enum ColorSchemeKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    case Light, Dark

    var value: ColorScheme {
        switch self {
        case .Light: .light
        case .Dark: .dark

Defining Property Picker Keys

Implement the PropertyPickerKey protocol to define the keys used for selecting properties. Here's an example:

enum YourPickerKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    case optionOne = "Option One"
    case optionTwo = "Option Two"
    static var defaultValue: Self { .optionOne }
    var value: SomeType {
        switch self {
        case .optionOne: return .someValue
        case .optionTwo: return .anotherValue

Using PropertyPicker

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct ContentView: View {
    private var myValue
    var body: some View {
        YourView(value: myValue)

Using PropertyPickerEnvironment

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct ContentView: View {
    @PropertyPicker(YourPickerKey.self, \.myEnvironmentValue)
    private var myEnvironmentValue
    var body: some View {


import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        YourView().propertyPicker(YourPickerKey.self, \.myEnvironmentValue)

Customizing Picker Styles

You can customize the presentation of your property pickers by applying different styles:

.propertyPickerStyle(.inline) // For inline presentation
.propertyPickerStyle(.contextMenu) // For context menu presentation
.propertyPickerStyle(.sheet(isPresented: $isSheetPresented)) // For sheet presentation

Advanced Customization

Using PropertyPicker for Local State Management

The PropertyPicker property wrapper can be used to manage a local state that dynamically updates based on user selection. Here's an example demonstrating its usage:

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct DynamicFontSizeView: View {
    private var fontSize
    var body: some View {
        Text("Adjustable Font Size")
            .font(.system(size: fontSize))

enum FontSizeKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    case small, medium, large
    static var defaultValue: Self { .medium }
    var value: CGFloat {
        switch self {
        case .small: return 12
        case .medium: return 16
        case .large: return 20

Using PropertyPickerEnvironment for Environment Value Adjustments

The PropertyPickerEnvironment property wrapper enables the adjustment of environment values directly. Here's how you can use it to modify the environment's ColorScheme:

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct ThemeSwitcherView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Theme Switcher")
            Toggle(isOn: .constant(true)) {
                Text("Dark Mode")
            .propertyPicker(ColorSchemeKey.self, \.colorScheme)

enum ColorSchemeKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    case light, dark
    static var defaultValue: Self { .light }
    var value: ColorScheme {
        switch self {
        case .light: return .light
        case .dark: return .dark

Using Bindings Directly with PropertyPicker

For direct manipulation of view properties through bindings, the propertyPicker modifier can be utilized as follows:

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var isButtonDisabled: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        Button(action: {}) {
        .propertyPicker(DisabledStateKey.self, $isButtonDisabled)

enum DisabledStateKey: String, PropertyPickerKey {
    case enabled, disabled
    static var defaultValue: Self { .enabled }
    var value: Bool {
        switch self {
        case .enabled: return false
        case .disabled: return true

Customizing Picker Presentation with PropertyPickerStyle

Apply custom styles to modify how property pickers are presented in the UI. The following example demonstrates using the .sheet style:

import SwiftUI
import PropertyPicker

struct CustomizedPickerView: View {
    @State private var isPickerPresented: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Customized Picker Presentation")
            Button("Show Picker") {
                isPickerPresented = true
        .propertyPickerStyle(_SheetPropertyPicker(isPresented: $isPickerPresented))

These examples should provide a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage the various capabilities of the swiftui-property-picker package. By incorporating these dynamic and customizable property pickers into your SwiftUI views, you can create more interactive and responsive applications.


We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome.


The swiftui-property-picker package is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.