This repository contains the code on which the publication fairGhosts — Ant colony controlled ghosts for Ms. Pac-Man is based.
The code developed for fairGhosts is found in the package pacman/entries/ghosts/fair
The game can be tested by running the main method
Different run modes of the game can be used depending on configuration of the main method.
Default setting is:
- Ghost Controller: fairGhosts
- Ms. Pac-Man Controller: human interaction
- tracing of ghost decision is shown (this means that the planned path of each ghost is visually displayed)
Ant Colony Optimization [ACO] is a metaheuristic inspired by the behaviour of ants foraging for food. It can be applied to many different optimization problems than can use an incremental approach to build a solution.
The game engine used is from the Ms. Pac-Man vs. Ghost Competition held during the IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2012).