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A collection of satisfiability assignment algorithms adapted from Russell and Norvig. Originally written in Sept/Oct 2020 for CS463G at the University of Kentucky. Made repository public in Oct 2020.

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SAT Programs

CS 463G Artificial Intelligence

University of Kentucky Fall 2020

From assignment: "This assignment uses several heuristic search techniques to find possibly optimal truth assignments for variables in the given Boolean formulas"


If you want to save a lot of computation, analysis of results obtained from running all the formulas in test have been placed in the results directory. At the top level, there are comma separated files containing the output summary for each test run, including input file name, the number of symbols and clauses, whether the algorithm found it to by satisfiable, the number of clauses satisfied if the formula was not satisfied, and the runtime. A comparison of the algorithm's performances, with plots, is provided in summary_data.xlsx. Images of the plots for each algorithm are provided in the corresponding subfolder of results. These subfolders also contain a zip of logs for each run over time, and 2 video files visualizing the solving process of the algorithm, one for an easy satisfiable formula, and one for an easy unsatisfiable one (the WalkSAT and Simulated Annealing are cut short because 50,000 flips took too long to animate). The code for generating these animations is also provided. Unfortunately, detailed run logs were not collected for WalkSAT, but the summary data and the visualizations are still available. Test driver for all 3 algorithms. Set the variables RUN_DPLL, RUN_WALK, and RUN_SAT to True or False to determine if they will run. The driver runs the algorithm for each formula in the test set. For randomness-based algorithms (WalkSAT and Simulated Annealing), each formula is run 10 times. Start the driver with python dir, where dir is a directory containing .cnf files with the candidate formulas. Log files will be stored in the logs directory, sorted by algorithm used. An implementation of the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm. Based off of pseudocode in Figure 7.17 on page 266 of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd ed) by Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig. No special optimizations are applied. An implementation of the WalkSAT algorithm as described in Figure 7.18 on page 277 of Russell and Norvig. No special optimizations are applied. The probability value is set at 0.5, simply because it was the number discussed in class. More investigation is needed to determine what the optimal value for this is, but there was not enough time to design any systematic test of this parameter. A simulated annealing implementation as described in Figure 4.5 on page 127 of Russell and Norvig. The cooling rate is user-set, but for these tests I set the temperature to 0.999 times the previous iteration's temperature. This was set based on some simple informal tests to see which cooling rate allowed some of the hard but satisfiable formulas to be solved within the maximum flip bounds.

Since the WalkSAT and Simulated Annealing algorithms are not complete, they will terminate after a predetermined number of attempts if a solution is not found. The current value of 50,000 is set such that WalkSAT is able to find all satisfiable solutions in the test set. Simulated annealing terminates on a number of satisfiable solution, indicating that improvements may be needed in the cooling schedule.

The python multiprocessing library is used to parallelize each formula run.

Learning outcomes

  1. Completeness in DPLL is nice, but it is very slow! It was helpful to be able to definitively know when a case was unsatisfiable, because the other algorithms would often waste computation time with no progress toward the solution until they hit their limit. However, the average solved case took 909 seconds to solve with DPLL, while only taking 14 seconds with WalkSAT and 9 seconds with simulated annealing.
  2. WalkSAT is incredibly effective. My implementation of WalkSAT was able to find a satisfiable solution if it existed in 1575 out of 1670 cases run, or ~94% of the time. As noted above, it did this in a fraction of the time that DPLL took. I believe that increasing the max flips to 100,000 would allow WalkSat to reach 100% of the satisfiable case based on tests with the "hardest" formulas as measured by DPLL, but I chose to reduce the max flips for the full-scale test as it significantly improved overall runtime by reducing the wait for unsatisfiable cases, while only reducing the effectiveness by a small amount.
  3. The cooling schedule for simulated annealing is tricky. With the parameters listed, satisfiable solutions were only found if they existed ~37% of the time. This includes finding solutions for some "hard" cases quickly, while missing easier ones. In my testing with many of the harder cases, I could reach a solution by slowing down the cooling, but most times I could see that the solving reached a local extrema fairly early on in the run and remained stuck, suggesting that cooling still happened too rapidly. I thought that the exponential component of the decrease would keep at least enough randomness long time into the run, but it appears that coupled with the exponential probability, there was virtually no randomness after a few thousand flips. It also seems like the randomness decreased too quickly at the beginning, which could not be overcome by randomness later in the run. If I had more time, I would consider testing a linear or geometric cooling schedule.


A collection of satisfiability assignment algorithms adapted from Russell and Norvig. Originally written in Sept/Oct 2020 for CS463G at the University of Kentucky. Made repository public in Oct 2020.






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