This shows how you can create a portable installation of Python from the official website. The following script merely automates the steps you need to do to get a working embedded version up and running. Functionality is 100% the same as regular python.
Make sure you download the Windows embeddable package (64-bit) from:
- Drop the Fix Python.ahk script (or Fix Python.exe) into the extracted zip directory.
- Double check there is a python.exe in the folder.
- Double click the Fix Python.ahk script.
If successful, the script will self delete.
You might find it useful to add python to your bin
folder or PATH:
@echo off
"%~dp0python\python.exe" %*
You can also suppress the pip warnings
@echo off
if /I "%1"=="install" ("%~dp0python\scripts\pip.exe" %* --no-warn-script-location) else ("%~dp0python\scripts\pip.exe" %*)
Both scripts assume your main folder is called "python" and are dropped in the same directory as the folder called python.
You can change the path by adding something between %~dp0
and python
such as:
"%~dp0Documents\python\python.exe" %*
which translates to: