This project is designed to track and count people in real-time using a camera or video feed. It's useful for applications like monitoring crowds, keeping track of how many people enter or exit a room, or any scenario where you need to keep count of the number of people in a given space.
- Create a conda environment
conda create -n <env_name> python=3.10
- Activate the conda environment
conda activate <env_name>
- Install the required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
For setup please check the params.yaml file and change the values accordingly.
model_path: "resources/models/"
result_dir: "results/"
tracker_config: "resources/config/bytetrack.yaml"
conf: 0.85
device: "cuda:0"
iou: 0.85
img_size: [ 720, 1080 ]
video_source: 0
show: True
Adjust the values according to your requirements.
- RTSP Server
source: rtsp://ishwor:subedi@
- Video File
source: path/to/your/file.mp4
- Webcam
chmod +x