This repository provides a tool designated to generate a signed metadata block, essential for the sealing key derivation mechanism.
To build the tool run the following command
$ cargo build --release
To run the tool, you need to provide a private key (secp384r1) in pem format and the manifest in .yaml format.
Here are the example content of the example manifest.yaml
realm_id: ""
version: "1.0.0"
svn: 1
rim: "5be4e8eb153c89f9d0a4030b4959268ae9e2b21058bce1a8bada7f124c3e77b3"
hash_algo: SHA256
The RIM (Realm Initial Measurements) and the selected hash algorithm should be taken from the output of the realm measurement tool.
To generate a private key, one can use the openssl tool e.g.:
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp384r1 -noout -out private.pem
Once you have the private key and the manifest file, you can generate the metadata file by running the following command:
$ realm-metadata-tool create -m manifest.yaml -k private.pem -o metadata.bin
Metadata file 'metadata.bin' has been created!
The generated metadat.bin
file can by provisioned to the RMM by providing the --metadata metadata.bin
option to the lkvm
To verify the signature of the generated metadata file, run the following command:
$ realm-metadata-tool verify -i metadata.bin
The signature of 'metadata.bin' metadata file is valid
To check the content of the metadata file, you can use the dump
$ realm-metadata-tool dump -i metadata.bin
fmt: 1
realm_id: ''
rim: 5BE4E8EB153C89F9D0A4030B4959268AE9E2B21058BCE1A8BADA7F124C3E77B30000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
hash_algo: SHA256
version: 1.0.0
svn: 1
public_key: 995A9A4A9273350464E0A91C6EB39A0CEC3BD4F756B79B3BE7EBA2A7AE7033E5BC75E520FA4279FF136B37D1CA8A18B5FE1DF6E90EF0ADE3FA65D8DB91B831367A460A7E36CDF0DF1A9DD682A5520754D51088E0072AF97AF69FC48874ECDD37
signature: 'C09C7793028594DB3A84506566B2ECA012B11A0ED987327AAF8B15BA3E4E2B7CF5C494D0E246135AF30DA4E16019CBCA143D7AC2FE44A57BD63AB15DA0E77F40851D548B6E6DB29C6ADA5BA95FAE69A03937FD502FE8DFB4DEBF3ECD8FE328EA'