redux-saga-connect is a decorator react components to connect the sagas runtime.
export default withSaga({mainSaga})(Component);
$ npm install --save redux-saga-connect
$ yarn add redux-saga-connect
When you create a redux store function must be saved to the store object named runSaga
// create store
// ...
import createSagaMiddleware from 'redux-saga'
// ...
const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleware()
// ...
store.runSaga =; // name `runSaga` required
// ...
Decorator using React.Context gets access to the runSaga function In the component constructor (to launch saga as quickly as possible), sagas is started using the runSaga function. In componentWillUnmount will cancel running sagas
// with es6
import React from 'react';
import withSaga from 'redux-saga-connect'
// React component
const Component = () => (<div>Component</div>);
// Saga
function* mainSaga(){};
// Return enhanced component
export default withSaga({mainSaga})(Component);
// with recompose
export default compose(withSaga({mainSaga}))(Component)
// with typescript
import React from 'react';
import withSaga from 'redux-saga-connect'
// React component
interface ComponentProps {}
const Component: React.FC<ComponentProps> = () => <div>Component</div>;
// Saga
function* mainSaga() {}
// Return enhanced component
export default withSaga<ComponentProps>({ mainSaga })(Component);
// with recompose
export default compose<ComponentProps, ComponentProps>(withSaga({ mainSaga }))(
withSaga is a decorator with parameters
withSaga(objectOfSagas) objectOfSagas { [key:string]: Saga or Object }
import withSaga from 'redux-saga-connect';
const Component = () => (<div/>);
function* firstSaga(){};
function* secondSaga(){};
export default withSaga({ firstSaga })(Component);
// or
export default withSaga({
// or
export default withSaga({
nameFirstSaga: firstSaga,
nameSecondSaga: secondSaga,
// or
export default withSaga({
nameFirstSaga: firstSaga,
nameSecondSaga: {
saga: secondSaga,
hold: true, // saga will not delete in componentWillUnmount
force: true, // saga will get a unique name in will start