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The Gibbon Compiler


Gibbon is an experimental compiler that transforms high-level functional programs to operate on serialized data.

Typically, programs that process tree-like data represent trees using pointer-based data structures in memory (one heap object per-leaf and per-node) because such a layout is convenient to manipulate in a high-level programming language. This is also generally distinct from the representation of the data in serialized form on disk, which means that a program must perform some sort or marshaling when working with serialized data. Gibbon unifies the in-memory and serialized formats, transforming recursive functions to operate directly on serialized data.

Additionally, while the pointer-based structure is efficient for random access and shape-changing modifications, it can be inefficient for traversals that process most or all of a tree in bulk. The Gibbon project aims to explore optimizations of recursive tree transforms by changing how trees are stored in memory.

Currently, the Gibbon compiler has multiple front-ends: an s-expression synax similar to Typed Racket, and a small subset of Haskell.

Building Gibbon

Getting Dependencies

Gibbon is implemented in Haskell, and is set up to be built with Cabal, but it has a number of native dependencies. Follow the instructions below to get all dependencies or enter the Nix shell with nix-shell to get them via Nix.

  • Ubuntu 22.04: (Parallelism support temporarily not available with ubuntu 22.04 as Cilk support is not avaiable with newer gcc)
 $ sudo apt-get update 
 $ sudo apt-get install software-properties-common 
 $ sudo apt-get install libgc-dev 
 $ sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev 
 $ sudo apt-get install build-essential 
 $ sudo apt-get install uthash-dev 
 $ sudo apt-get install vim wget curl
  • Install Racket
 $ wget --no-check-certificate
 $ chmod +x
 $ ./
  • Install haskell, cabal, stack, hls using ghcup
  • Install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain=1.71.0
  • Add paths for cabal, ghcup, rust to bashrc

  • For Building on OSX:

You can install some of the dependencies using Homebrew:

$ brew install libgc gmp gcc ghc@9

Others require a few extra steps:

  1. Racket: Follow the instructions on it's website

  2. uthash: Clone the repository and copy all the .h files in src to /usr/local/include

Actually Building Gibbon

After you have both Cabal and all the dependencies installed, you can build Gibbon from source:

$ git clone
$ cd gibbon && source
$ cd gibbon-compiler && cabal v2-build

At this point you can run the Gibbon executable:

$ cabal v2-run gibbon -- -h

If you'd like to run the testsuite, you can do so with:

$ ./

Building a Developement docker container for Gibbon

To build the Dockerfile for dev purposes run the command below from the gibbon directory.

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker image build -t gibbon -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .

Run the docker image using the following command.

docker run -t -i gibbon

This image does not pre-populate the gibbon folder. Use git clone to clone gibbon into a folder. Use instructions from before to build gibbon.

Building an Artifact version of Gibbon with the gibbon source code pre-populated

To build an image with the gibbon source code already in the image run

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker image build -t gibbon -f .artifact/Dockerfile .

Run the container with

docker run -t -i gibbon

This has the gibbon source code avaiable in /gibbon

Using Gibbon

A valid Gibbon program can be written using Haskell syntax or using Racket-like s-expression syntax. Gibbon doesn't support every Haskell feature supported by GHC, but informally, many simple Haskell-98 programs (sans monads) are valid Gibbon programs. One thing to note is that the main point of entry for a Gibbon program is a function named gibbon_main, as opposed to the usual main. Here's a simple Gibbon program that builds a binary tree and sums up its leaves in parallel using a parallel tuple (par):

module Main where

data Tree = Leaf Int
          | Node Int Tree Tree

mkTree :: Int -> Tree
mkTree i =
  if i <= 0
  then Leaf 1
      let x = (mkTree (i-1))
          y = (mkTree (i-1))
      in Node i x y

sumTree :: Tree -> Int
sumTree foo =
  case foo of
    Leaf i     -> i
    Node i a b ->
      let tup = par (sumTree a) (sumTree b)
          x = fst tup
          y = snd tup
      in x + y

gibbon_main = sumTree (mkTree 10)

The Gibbon compiler is able to run in several modes, which are configured via command line flags. Most important are the flags --packed which means "packed mode" (use serialized data structures), --run which means "compile then run", and --parallel which means "enable parallel execution". You can use these to run the above program as follows:

$ gibbon --run --packed --parallel Bintree.hs

This creates a file Bintree.c which contains the C-code, and a Bintree.exe which is the executable for this program. Running ./Bintree.exe prints 1024, the value of sumTree (mkTree 10). There are many other Gibbon features which can be learned by looking at the programs under ./examples/parallel/, and more flags which can be printed with gibbon --help. To view a complete set of primitives supported by Gibbon, you can look at the Gibbon.Prim module located at gibbon/gibbon-stdlib/Gibbon/Prim.hs.

About this repository

This primarily stores the Gibbon compiler, an implementation of a high-performance functional language.

This repository also contains a collection of sub-projects related to benchmarking tree traversals and performing tree traversals on packed representations. Here is a guide to the subdirectories:

  • gibbon-compiler - the prototype compiler for the Gibbon language of packed tree traversals.

  • gibbon - a Racket #lang for Gibbon.

  • ASTBenchmarks - benchmark of treewalks (compiler passes) on ASTs written with Gibbon. Also includes scripts to fetch input datasets.

  • BintreeBench - a submodule containing the tiniest binary tree microbenchmark, implemented several different languages and compilers.

  • core-harvest - tools to harvest realistic, large ASTs (mainly Racket) from the wild.

  • - detailed documentation for those hacking on this repository.